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Female/36-40. Lives in United Kingdom/Joshua Tree/Pipe's Canyon, speaks English and  . Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes writing/ research/systems theories/ futurism.
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United Kingdom, Joshua Tree, Pipe's Canyon, English, , Female, 36-40, writing/ research, systems theories/ futurism.

Sunday, June 8, 2003day link 

 If the Faerie Queen was Not Bannished... ??
picture ~ After being 'off line' and in transit on my journey back into ONE such physical gateway into MY Avalon~

From where I sit today, a month landing back into Avalon... a day 'off' from my work, daughter, family and life... I wrote this, this AM, whilst a 'angel and nature spirit' day is across the streets at the Well... this is the Point of Angel where I sit right Now...
- - -

The Initiations continue. Honing. Work. Intention. Love. The Mind of the Individual Mythical Journey. Integration of years in this body ~ inter-dimensional journeys ReMembered and then offered back up into the eternal Cauldron of death and renewal...

And the Thesis of this life beckons me forth. The Service to That which is Mine. Each piece of the fragments of scattered human lights/ souls - the collective puzzle - each piece, each peace, We Be. Can be honored. Healed. Loved. What we each came to express. Release. Share. Own. Honour. And Honor Honor Honor! By not honoring my own piece, I am not taking care of the fragile and the strong. The vulnerable and the truly Brave.

New commitments of Truth. Honesty. New ideas of a soul awakening.

What WOULD the 'world' look like if the Faerie Queen was NOT banished? This IS the transpersonal thesis of my life: just look at the political world stage and all small ponds of human politics. The fascists in all the communities, the new age games, and the lies we continue to hold on to... when we know we are hurting ourselves, our souls and each other. The world of Maya and human conformity. She continues to be the scapegoat. Projections of fear and control. This is the slavery of the old paradigm and patriarchy not yet-- at -- all healed in our minds, hearts or world connections...

[ | 2003-06-08 04:54 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Monday, May 5, 2003day link 

 Estonia's Hi Tech Face
picture The old world of Estonia is a constant source of inspiration for me. It's like the old Paris. A cafe town of cross-cultures with the buzz of trying out a sort of democratic socialism... as well as the most beautiful women you have seen anywhere. There is something so romantic to me about it. I've been once with Flemming and our Finnish Friend Marko a couple years ago, but we've been to Helsinki many times. At one point one of our business ventures was about to happen and my partner and I were about to move over there! We still dream about it.

The latest news is their government is now using the net for their business communication, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in paper. Estonia is ranked 8th in the world for using the net in practical manners and though still a poor country, has computers in all their classrooms down to kindergardn:
"Estonia is now developing an e-academy to teach ex-Soviet states how to adopt this kind of technology.

Latvia and Lithuania have signed up.

To encourage people to use the internet, there are 500 public internet access points in Estonia, one of the highest numbers in Europe.

If you want to find one, you just look for an @ symbol on a road sign. "

[ | 2003-05-05 12:40 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Wednesday, April 30, 2003day link 

 FOX TV tonight - 12:15 AM EDT
Black Flag shows that a chap named John Kaminski will be interviewed on Fox TV tonight about an article he wrote claiming fraud in the reported events of 9/11.
[ | 2003-04-30 09:23 | 4 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 NO WEAPONS... current stances and slams...
The Daily Mirror reported yesterday that British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw admits IRAQ MAY NOT HAVE WMDs:
He told the Commons that war was declared because the regime had ONCE been in possession of them.

And he insisted they did not have to be found to justify the invasion.

His astonishing U-turn stunned MPs on all sides of the Commons - and came hours after Tony Blair again insisted that weapons were there and would be found.

...Labour MP Tam Dalyell, the Father of the House, accused the Government of hoodwinking the nation.

He said: "We were told again and again the reason for going to war was that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that they could be used within 45 minutes.

"Now it's clear that the Iraqis have had no weapons for some time and that Parliament was given a completely false impression.""
The article also sites a UK investigation into the recent parading of looters naked down a street by US military -- which Amnesty International declared "an "appalling" violation of international conventions on the treatment of prisoners."

Meanwhile, The Times Online reports Putin taunts Blair: Is Saddam sitting in a bunker ready to blow the whole place up with WMD? -
"President Putin scuppered Tony Blairís efforts to repair Anglo-Russian relations after the Iraq war by challenging him and President Bush to uncover weapons of mass destruction to justify the conflict.

The Prime Minister suffered a second blow from the anti-war axis when France and Germany backed plans for a European defence force independent of Nato. "
Great! Links back to the idea of making the Euro stronger, and creating a counter-power to the U.S.!
[ | 2003-04-30 09:05 | 1 comment | PermaLink ]  More >

Tuesday, April 29, 2003day link 

 Stunted Intellectual Develpment
The greatest gulf - "Jonathan Raban argues that, apart from the immediate cost in human life, military intervention in Iraq has also represented a disastrous failure of imagination and a fatal inability to understand the role of history - and religion - in the region."

Thursday April 17 2003
The Guardian
"Whatever its immediate apparent outcome, the war on Iraq represents a catastrophic breakdown of the British and American imagination. We've utterly failed to comprehend the character of the people whose lands we have invaded, and for that we're likely to find ourselves paying a price beside which the body-count on both sides in the Iraqi conflict will seem trifling.

Passionate ideologues are incurious by nature and have no time for obstructive details. It's impossible to think of Paul Wolfowitz curling up for the evening with Edward Said's Orientalism, or the novels of Naguib Mahfouz, or Seven Pillars of Wisdom, or the letters of Gertrude Bell, or the recently published, knotty, often opaque, but useful book by Lawrence Rosen, The Culture of Islam, based on Rosen's anthropological fieldwork in Morocco, or Sayyid Qutb's Milestones. Yet these, and a dozen other titles, should have been required reading for anyone setting out on such an ambitious liberal-imperial project to inflict freedom and democracy by force on the Arab world. The single most important thing that Wolfowitz might have learned is that in Arabia, words like "self", "community," "brotherhood" and "nation" do not mean what he believes them to mean. When the deputy secretary of defence thinks of his own self, he - like me, and, probably, like you - envisages an interiorised, secret entity whose true workings are hidden from public view. Masks, roles, personae (like being deputy secretary for defence) mediate between this inner self and the other people with whom it comes into contact. The post-Enlightenment, post-Romantic self, with its autonomous subjective world, is a western construct, and quite different from the self as it is conceived in Islam. Muslims put an overwhelming stress on the idea of the individual as a social being. The self exists as the sum of its interactions with others. Rosen puts it like this: "The configuration of one's bonds of obligation define who a person is . . . the self is not an artefact of interior construction but an unavoidably public act.
To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Books site, go to [link]
[ | 2003-04-29 11:11 | 0 comments | PermaLink ]

 'A Necessary Definition'
picture Sent by Roan Carratu of NCN:

"A Nationalist is someone who is offended if someone
protests against the government, does not worship it's
symbols -like flags and such, does not respect it's
leader, and states any opinion which goes against
government policy or statements. When the country is
at war, a Nationalist thinks anyone who says or does
anything the government does not like should be
killed, jailed, beaten, and/or deported, period. To the
Nationalist, anyone who speaks out with a dissenting
opinion is a traitor.

A Patriot is someone who loves the people of the
country, who loves the liberty and freedom of the
country, and who will uphold the ideals of the
country by protesting against what they perceive to be
government misbehavior, mismanagement, or bad policy.
When the country is at war, a patriot who feels
the war is wrong, for whatever reason, considers it
even more important to speak up, demonstrate, and seek
to find consensus to stop the war. A Patriot may or
may not wave a flag or sing nationalist songs, but
they do not put them over the rights of the people.

Nationalists, like Nazis, Royalist, and Totalitarian
Communists, have always been the bane of freedom,
seeking from their cowardice to lock down all
freedom with an extreme set of rules which they alone
gladly obey, in lockstep fashion. In America, as the
Second Iraq War shows, Nationalists and Patriots
are deeply mixed, and the Right Wing Nationalists,
through their radio pundits, are again seeking to
destroy America through their twisted fear of
freedom and Liberty. Nationalists have never failed to
destroy the ideals and eventually the existence of
their countries through perpetual war and internal
oppression. For examples, look at Nazi Germany and
Stalinist Russia."

[ | 2003-04-29 09:58 | 4 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Monday, April 28, 2003day link 

 'Euro can help blunt American power: US economy is in trouble' - Top Story
Flemming has had a lot of attention of his synopsis of the article by Cóilín Nunan: "Oil, Currency and the War on Iraq":
"Fascinating explanation of some major economic mechanisms involving dollars and euros and oil. A very big reason that the United States is such an economically and militarily dominating country is apparently that U.S. dollar is the de facto world reserve currency."
The question seems to be, what would happen IF the Euro became the only currency for oil? Hi Pakistan on-line has a main headline today giving a further insight on the issue:
"LONDON: The problem with American power is not that it's American. Most states with the resources and opportunities the US possesses would have done far worse.

The problem is that one nation, effectively unchecked by any other, can, if it chooses, now determine how the rest of the world will live. Eventually, unless we stop it, it will use this power. So far, it has merely tested its new muscles.

Were it not for a monumental economic distortion, the US economy would, by now, have all but collapsed. ... It survives only because conventional measures do not apply: the rest of the world has granted it an unnatural lease of life.

Almost 70 per cent of the world's currency reserves - the money that nations use to finance international trade and protect themselves against financial speculators - takes the form of US dollars. The dollar is used for this purpose because it is relatively stable, it is produced by a nation with a major share of world trade, and certain commodities, in particular oil, are denominated in it, which means that dollars are required to buy them.

The US does very well from this arrangement. In order to earn dollars, other nations must provide goods and services to the US. When commodities are valued in dollars, the US needs do no more than print pieces of green paper to obtain them: it acquires them, in effect, for free. Once earned, other nations' dollar reserves must be invested back into the American economy. This inflow of money helps the US to finance its massive deficit. The only serious threat to the dollar's international dominance at the moment is the euro.

Next year, when the European Union acquires 10 new members, its gross domestic product will be roughly the same as that of the US, and its population 60 per cent bigger. If the euro is adopted by all the members of the union, which suffers from none of the major underlying crises afflicting the US economy, it will begin to look like a more stable and more attractive investment than the dollar. Only one further development would then be required to unseat the dollar as the pre-eminent global currency: nations would need to start trading oil in euros. Until last week, this was already beginning to happen.

...Last year, Javad Yarjani, a senior official at Opec, the oil producers' cartel, put forward several compelling reasons why his members might one day start selling their produce in euros. Europe is the Middle East's biggest trading partner it imports more oil and petrol products than the US, it has a bigger share of global trade and its external accounts are better balanced. One key tipping point, he suggested, could be the adoption of the euro by Europe's two principal oil producers: Norway and the United Kingdom, whose Brent crude is one of the "markers" for international oil prices.

"This might," Yarjani said, "create a momentum to shift the oil pricing system to euros." If this happens, oil importing nations will no longer need dollar reserves to buy oil. The demand for the dollar will fall, and its value is likely to decline. As the dollar slips, central banks will start to move their reserves into safer currencies such as the euro and possibly the yen and the yuan, precipitating further slippage. The US economy, followed rapidly by US power, could then be expected to falter or collapse.
The author goes on to say that the paradox of the reasoning for small states to oppose a conglomerate power, needs to be re-evaluated. He summizes, in the end:
"To defend UK sovereignty - and that of the rest of the world - from the US, the British must yield some of their sovereignty to Europe. That they have a moral duty to contest the developing power of the US is surely evident. That they can contest it by no other means is equally obvious. Those British who are concerned about American power must abandon their opposition to the euro."

[ | 2003-04-28 16:46 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

An urgent action from Peace Coalitions for April 28-May 5
The FCC is about to put vital control of media in this country in a very few hands - and quickly needs to be stopped.

Under "deregulation" rules proposed by the Federal Communications Commission, the already dangerous monopoly of TV and radio (and therefore of news, public thought and action) would dramatically worsen.The five corporations that own TV networks would be green-lighted to buy up each other. Local TV and radio stations would be swallowed by larger companies. Local newspapers and broadcast outlets would be allowed to purchase each other.

In a few years, Fox, General Electric and the radio giant Clear Channel - the most ambitious players - would potentially have an iron grip on the way the majority of the public gets its information. These companies have shown no interest in the public good, only in protecting their bottom lines while putting out news that is more deceiving than informing, when not actually right-wing propaganda - witness the leadup to and coverage of the Iraq war.

The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee is preparing to hold crucial hearings on the proposed FCC deregulation. FCC chair Michael Powell is promising a vote on the new FCC regulations by June 2.

The media giants have spent huge amounts to buy support in Congress and have cleansed their news of any critical reporting on the Bush administration. Breaking with the industry line, mogul Barry Diller recently told Bill Moyers deregulation would greatly increase oligarchic control of media.

Join the new Media Challenge! actions. Contact Congress and the FCC to stop this anti-democratic takeover. Here's how to do it:
Please click on MORE for complete action information.
[ | 2003-04-28 14:24 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Saturday, April 26, 2003day link 

 Who Can't Blog?
This might proove even more interesting in days to come... Emmanuelle points out some silenced blogs: a Connecticut journalist has been 'forced' to close his blog in order to keep his job; and "in Iran, the blog community unite to protest the detention of an Iranian blogger by the government." (Check out the on-line petition to help his cause, put together from new aliances between Persian and US Bloggers.}

Speaking of Middle East blogs, Al Jazeera had an article recently about the Salam Pax blog... however, it seems he is still missing...
[ | 2003-04-26 17:29 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 The Black Ribbon/ Flag Campaign
picture I found this black flag on BartCop's rant page. It is a wonderful and up-to-date portal... newsworthy, subversive and witty. The black flag campaign is stated to:
"The Black Flag is a progressive, independent, alternative news venture based in Roswell, New Mexico. Its goal is to provide alternative viewpoints not commonly expressed in the popular media, and to effect change on both the local and national level."
Let's grab their banner and put it on our site's! Seems to also support celebrities who speak out. (Wish it was RSS'd. Putting it on the 'to contact' list for Flemming and I to contact for use of our modular tech.)
[ | 2003-04-26 16:17 | 1 comment | PermaLink ]  More >


Thursday, April 24, 2003day link 

 Chomsky Now.. and More
picture Last Thursday I found myself blessed to hear Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now which was airing on KPFK in LA. It was to mark the 4 week point since our assault upon the peoples and land of practically the most ancient civilization known in our history and herstory. Dr. Chomsky points out how the very people who are running the white house and the power games on the planet right now, are almost nearly the same crew who were in power in the early '80s and '90s under Reagan and Bushman 1. He speaks about the level of mass public dissent being in the 90% in many countries worldwide. I am listening to it again via live-streaming-- highly informative and provoking!

This image of the US flag with the swastika I found from another NCN blog, who also pointed to this article Who Is Running America?/The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States,and the New World Order. Very good research about the credit and debit system currently controlling the earth's hallucination of lack and control thereof. I was happy to find this image, as I have been thinking of creating a bumper sticker with the swastika super-imposed over the American Flag. I am sure that fellow dissidents as wise as Dr. Chomsky however would advise against it, especially in light of that under 'Patriot Act II' the justice department can take one's citizenship just due to an 'inference'.... Oh Orwell roll over...

During the INNITIAL Iraqi invasion, I was forwarded a link to a fairly old analysis of Chomsky and the way the power of his mind can confront the most conforming mainstream interviewer. It is, however, still highly relevant, specific and witty. Find it here:
"What we call politics is really a shadow play conducted by corporate power. Parliament is the buffer between the popular desire for democracy and the reality of corporate rule. People, after all, are unlikely to resist that rule so long as politicians (and journalists) succeed in persuading us that it is not there; that in fact it is we who are in control. The mass media plays a crucial role in supporting the democracy illusion by pretending that the arguments presented to us - together with the parties we are allowed to choose from - constitute a free and fair spectrum of choices, which are our choices, and not what is left after state and corporate power have filtered out choices that threaten to interfere. One of the choices deemed unfit for public consumption is the idea that the mass media is a propaganda system."

I am classifying this note under Futurism/ Evolution. For surely as the new Matrix film is about to be released, and we want to play this bad movie one more time as loud as possible, surely surely surely as all the Futurists like Ming and the Bucky Fuller models that demonstrate the natural organic flow of what is needed and wanted beyond these false prisms of lack and a death of limbo and slavery...
[ | 2003-04-24 23:59 | 4 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

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  • Palin before and after make-over! Forget Joe!

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  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Greg Palast on BLOCK THE VOTE
  • Joe The Plumber and the Wealth Gap

  • 2008-10-18
  • Bill Moyers takes on VOTER FRAUD!

  • 2008-10-14
  • Elections Irregularities Reported in Major Media Raise Serious Questions
  • Frank Shaeffer on 'Why Is Palin Such a Good Liar For God?'
  • Who is Barack Obama?… His past finally EXPOSED!

  • 2008-10-11
  • Donna Brazile is not going to the Back of the BUS!

  • 2008-10-10
  • Obama Will Be One of The Greatest (and Most Loved) American Presidents
  • Common Cause - PROTECT THE VOTE

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