Scarlet Jewels
The NewsLog of Julie Solheim-Roe

Monday, May 5, 2003day link 

 Estonia's Hi Tech Face
picture The old world of Estonia is a constant source of inspiration for me. It's like the old Paris. A cafe town of cross-cultures with the buzz of trying out a sort of democratic socialism... as well as the most beautiful women you have seen anywhere. There is something so romantic to me about it. I've been once with Flemming and our Finnish Friend Marko a couple years ago, but we've been to Helsinki many times. At one point one of our business ventures was about to happen and my partner and I were about to move over there! We still dream about it.

The latest news is their government is now using the net for their business communication, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in paper. Estonia is ranked 8th in the world for using the net in practical manners and though still a poor country, has computers in all their classrooms down to kindergardn:
"Estonia is now developing an e-academy to teach ex-Soviet states how to adopt this kind of technology.

Latvia and Lithuania have signed up.

To encourage people to use the internet, there are 500 public internet access points in Estonia, one of the highest numbers in Europe.

If you want to find one, you just look for an @ symbol on a road sign. "

[ | 2003-05-05 12:40 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

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