Scarlet Jewels
The NewsLog of Julie Solheim-Roe

Sunday, June 8, 2003day link 

 If the Faerie Queen was Not Bannished... ??
picture ~ After being 'off line' and in transit on my journey back into ONE such physical gateway into MY Avalon~

From where I sit today, a month landing back into Avalon... a day 'off' from my work, daughter, family and life... I wrote this, this AM, whilst a 'angel and nature spirit' day is across the streets at the Well... this is the Point of Angel where I sit right Now...
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The Initiations continue. Honing. Work. Intention. Love. The Mind of the Individual Mythical Journey. Integration of years in this body ~ inter-dimensional journeys ReMembered and then offered back up into the eternal Cauldron of death and renewal...

And the Thesis of this life beckons me forth. The Service to That which is Mine. Each piece of the fragments of scattered human lights/ souls - the collective puzzle - each piece, each peace, We Be. Can be honored. Healed. Loved. What we each came to express. Release. Share. Own. Honour. And Honor Honor Honor! By not honoring my own piece, I am not taking care of the fragile and the strong. The vulnerable and the truly Brave.

New commitments of Truth. Honesty. New ideas of a soul awakening.

What WOULD the 'world' look like if the Faerie Queen was NOT banished? This IS the transpersonal thesis of my life: just look at the political world stage and all small ponds of human politics. The fascists in all the communities, the new age games, and the lies we continue to hold on to... when we know we are hurting ourselves, our souls and each other. The world of Maya and human conformity. She continues to be the scapegoat. Projections of fear and control. This is the slavery of the old paradigm and patriarchy not yet-- at -- all healed in our minds, hearts or world connections...

[ | 2003-06-08 04:54 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

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