Scarlet Jewels
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Female/36-40. Lives in United Kingdom/Joshua Tree/Pipe's Canyon, speaks English and  . Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes writing/ research/systems theories/ futurism.
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United Kingdom, Joshua Tree, Pipe's Canyon, English, , Female, 36-40, writing/ research, systems theories/ futurism.

Sunday, March 30, 2003day link 

 voices voices voices of the HEART
voices voices voices of the heart
the tongue of the bones of the blood
of the homes
from the bones, the blood, and the home
the voices the voices
the voices from the hearts

There seems to be more of a line in the sand for me with what is going on right now. The altar where I will sacrifice no more the compromises that support lies. In the world and in my experience of it personally and transpersonally.... Tecia talks about the solar weather... I know that there are these waves, like 'Horton Hears a Who'... the waves of what is happening in our birth life death blood swimming pool of humanity in relation to the All, the solar system and galaxy... and yes like the solar weather... there is an interconnection on the level of the star energy dance between the movement of life, the electricity and the subsequent organic relationships... there is some reason for the human condition and it is different than the ideas of transcendence and 'awakening' but indeed it has to do with Consciousness. Ming talks about the issues of what could be 'before the before' ... Stephen Hawking talks about, if there could be mathematical proof of the beginning, then there could be proof of a 'creator'. But the idea of Creatrix, that is the ongoing, never-changing AND always changing, Source, that from the inside out and outside in.... in Hawking's movie of 'Brief History of Time'.... that indeed it is a BOWL like matrix, not a point. There isn't a point. The patriarchy, the thoughts that don't work, are the linear ideas that talk about a beginning middle and end. And just one story. When they are all converging and happening simultaneously -- yet in some sort of harmonic and then not... order dance or UNDERSTANDING of what is working together. The massive hypnotism of the FRAMED linear thought, that is the escape from feeling what is going on. What is really going on. Again, the red pill vs. the convenience of the lies. This is the line in the sand. My soul is a radical soul. My essence, where I orientate and come from. There is something not about right left or centre. But off the line. Get off the line.

The profound statement of supporting the troops. Patriotism. To support a state that supports killing our troops and pretends it is about heroism. The heros are not the ones who kill or organize the killing or defend the killing. And the ones who glorify killing our youth because that is the only place where a man can find some path forward in a systematized lie. The industrial military complex is just a means to give meaning to these lives that cannot find a break. And we will not make them into heros later. The heroism is the lie of the idea of what it means to support them. True support, would be to care enough not to terrorize young men and women in the false idea of glory. Therefore, I realize, the best way to support our troops is to stop trooping youth and their promise. To stop the machine that trips the troops into terror. I support the troops to somehow be saved from the horrific system that cares not for their souls, voices, hearts, blood and bones. Of the sons or their mothers. Mostly minorities and from the lesser sides of the tracks.
[ | 2003-03-30 21:33 | 0 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Friday, March 28, 2003day link 

picture My friend Jay Levin and Projects4Peace have launched the following Media campaign.

"We a coalition of peace groups encourage you to join the focused mass phone-in to the TV News bosses. Every day for the next three weeks call the national news chiefs listed below (also separately call their national and local newsrooms). As war proceeds, ask for:

1. Balanced coverage including images, interviews and reports of civilian casualties and other war impacts.

2. Equal time for anti-war experts and worldwide leaders and coverage of the many events beyond the rallies, including military families and members who oppose the war.

3. Prominent challenges to the Administration’s credibility. The broadcast media needs to hear that they have no credibility because they have not reported the false claims and lies already exposed by the print media. (Factual details below)

For the next three weeks we urge you to call one Network each day on the following schedule (addresses are further below): Call the news chief and or the news director or, if you can't get through, call the switchboard and ask for the newsroom. Even better, call them both. Keep the calls pouring in to the newsrooms. Calls are greatly more effective than emails and moderately more effective than faxes. .

Monday: ABC NEWS CHIEF David Westin. 212.456.6200. fax: 212.456.4292.. NEWS DRECTOR Mimi Gurbst. 212 456 4050 fax.212 456 2795 ABC SWITCHBOARD (ASK FOR NEWSROOM) 212.456-7777.
NEWSROOM fax 212.456.2795

Tuesday: MSNBC AND NBC. MSNBC NEWS CHIEF Mark Effron. 201.583.510. fax: 201.583.5199
NEWS DIRECTOR Alison Hawley. 201 583 5155. fax. 201 583 5512 MSNBC SWITCHBOARD (ASK FOR NEWSROOM) 201.583.5000 fax: 201.583.5590

NBC NEWS CHIEF Neil Shapiro. 212.664.4773. fax: 212.664.2264[ NEW DIRECTOR Thomas Ferraro 201 583 5231 fax. 201 583 5222 NBC SWITCHBOARD (ASK FOR NEWSROOM) 212.664.4444. fax: 201.583.5453

Wednesday: CBS NEWS CHIEF Andrew Hayward. 212.975.7825. fax: 212.975.7429.
NEWS DIRECTOR Marty Gill 212 975 6121 fax. 212 975 4114 CBS SWITCHBOARD (ASK FOR NEWSROOM) 212.975.4321 fax: 212.975.1893

Thursday: CNN NEWS CHIEF Walter Isaacson. 404.827.5111. fax: 404.827.4215. NEWS DIRECTOR Kim Bondy. 404 827 1500. fax. 404 827 1099 CNN SWITCHBOARD (ASK FOR NEWSROOM). 404.827.1500.


Friday: FOX NEWS CHIEF: John Moody. 212.301.8560. fax: 212.398.8726.
NEWS DIRECTOR Kathleen Ardleigh 212 3013186 fax. 212 301 3300 FOX SWITCHBOARD (ASK FOR NEWSROOM) 212.575.4670. fax: 212.301.8274

Besides the daily calls, WHENEVER YOU SEE OR HEAR BIASED COVERAGE, CALL THE NEWS CHIEFS AND/OR NEWSROOMS AND INSIST ON RESPONSIBLE, IN-DEPTH JOURNALISM. There is plenty every day to call about. Calls are best because they must halt misinforming the public while they deal with you. If you cannot reach policy makers, then fax or e-mail. "

MEDIA CHALLENGE! is co-sponsored by: Projects4Peace, ICUJP (Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace), Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Coalition for World Peace, Global Guardianship Initiative, Code Pink for Peace, Peace on the Beach, Peace Warriors, LA International A.N.S.W.E.R., Not in Our Name, Global Women’s Strike and Southern Cal. Americans for Democratic Action.
[ | 2003-03-28 17:25 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 Dissent Everywhere
picture US Diplomat Ann Wright resigns:
“There is no doubt Saddam Hussein is a despicable dictator,” Wright told Powell. But she believed U.S. military forces shouldn’t be used without Security Council compliance. “In our press for military action now, we have created deep chasms in the international community and in important international organizations,” Wright said. “America has lost the incredible sympathy [resulting from the Sept. 11 attacks] of most of the world because of our policy toward Iraq.”

Wright’s government career spanned the worlds of diplomacy and military affairs. She joined the Foreign Service in 1986, and asked to be assigned to a position as a Defense Department attaché. At the time, however, women weren’t allowed to hold those jobs.

In 1997, Wright managed the evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Sierra Leone and of Americans living there when a coup d’etat took place. She assisted in the evacuation of a number of diplomats from other countries, as well, and was given the State Department Award for Heroism for her work.

Since sending her letter to Powell, Wright said she has received about 150 e-mails from Foreign Service officers around the world expressing support for her actions.

John Brown, a career diplomat who also resigned this month, has said there is an air of dissent in the State Department over the administration’s policies. But it’s rare that Foreign Service officers use public resignations as a means of protest, or an attempt to influence administration policy.

Nevertheless, the resignation of three senior diplomats is significant because the individuals had invested so many years climbing the ladder of the Foreign Service. ...

[ | 2003-03-28 16:49 | 0 comments | PermaLink ]

Thursday, March 27, 2003day link 

picture Michael Moore's oscar speech got some negative press in mainstream media... but Indian, Pakistanian and Islam news sources on-line find it refreshing that not all the West is stoned on blue pills...

This Daily Mirror article, SIX DAYS OF SHAME, is by John Pilger. (I saw some fantastic shows on ITV by him when home in the UK last year. The one on Palestine was very well-received.)
TODAY is a day of shame for the British military as it declares the Iraqi city of Basra, with a stricken population of 600,000, a "military target".

You will not read or hear those words in the establishment media that claims to speak for Britain.

But they are true. With Basra, shame is now our signature, forged by Blair and Bush.

Having destroyed its water and power supplies, cut off food supply routes and having failed to crack its human defences, they are now preparing to lay siege to Iraq's second city which is more than 40 per cent children.
The Daily Mirror is supposed to be the newspaper of the Labour Party in Britain. They seem to now have disowned Blair all together.

British journalist killed by American troops:
the Pentagon’s response can only be seen as an implied threat to other reporters who are endeavoring to provide objective and accurate coverage of the US assault and its impact on the Iraqi population.

This is not the first time that such a message has been delivered. When the Pentagon first unveiled its plan to “embed” journalists with military units, it specifically refused to vouch for the safety of reporters operating outside Pentagon control and in fact warned journalists that using their satellite phones could make them targets for unfriendly missile fire.

[ | 2003-03-27 18:08 | 0 comments | PermaLink ]

 Voices of Experience
Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events.
------Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.
------Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969)
[ | 2003-03-27 07:14 | 0 comments | PermaLink ]

Wednesday, March 26, 2003day link 

 What's Going On....
picture blog from Iraq:
"the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
Samuel P. Huntington

I keep thinking about what is going on, and hear others bring up The Blue Pill People:
"There are none so blind as those who will not look. If you are one of those who will look, take a look around. You are surrounded surrounded by millions who will not look. These are the blue pill people. Who are these blue pill people and why won t they look? "

My friend Raymond Power's has launched his blog outside of the NCN community as well. Here is a collection of good recent stuff:

15 Mar 2003 @ 14:42
" Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.

22 Mar 2003 @ 17:44
Halliburton Makes a Killing on Iraq War

Cheney's Former Company Profits from Supporting Troops
"This comes from the CorpWatch website. I feel it's vital that all of us understand the symbiotic relationships in the military corporate complex. In this way we can make more educated choices, to not only whom we elect, but also how we spend our consumer dollars and what those dollars are funding."

[ | 2003-03-26 12:07 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Saturday, March 22, 2003day link 

 Viva La Nazis II
picture Thom Hartmann lived and worked in Germany during the 1980s, and is the author of over a dozen books, including 'Unequal Protection' and 'The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight'. This article is copyright by Thom Hartmann, but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History
by Thom Hartmann
© Copyright 2003 by [link] and Thom Hartmann
March 16, 2003 -- The 70th anniversary wasn't noticed in the United States, and was barely reported in the corporate media. But the Germans remembered well that fateful day seventy years ago -- February 27, 1933. They commemorated the anniversary by joining in demonstrations for peace that mobilized citizens all across the world.

It started when the government, in the midst of a worldwide economic crisis, received reports of an imminent terrorist attack. A foreign ideologue had launched feeble attacks on a few famous buildings, but the media largely ignored his relatively small efforts. The intelligence services knew, however, that the odds were he would eventually succeed. (Historians are still arguing whether or not rogue elements in the intelligence service helped the terrorist; the most recent research implies they did not.)

[ | 2003-03-22 08:18 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 I am Back and I am Mad
picture I just wrote this letter to a man who was with a woman who stoned and threw me out of a sacred dance group, because of my serious transgression and very personal research ideas into the SCARLET WOMAN.... (I guess they weren't giving out the Masters Program in Whoredome quite yet) ... I haven't correspnded with them for years.

But he sent a 'reply all' to a email dissemination list which had posted something about a Green Peace proposal: "The 'Uniting for Peace' resolution in the UN General Assembly to make clear the world's opposition to a devastating and illegal war in Iraq waged by the United States and a small group of allies." His response was that the UN is now 'irrelevant' and that he is a man of 'peace' and a 'minister'....

Hence, my own Madness comes close to home, again and again:

Yes the lines are being drawn and those who live in illusion, delusion, 'we are all one' and blah blah blah.... patriarchy... Are rearing their heads.

Elitism. Privilege. And egoism.

Oh, and SPLIT psyches of false righteousness 'do-gooders'....

Who is a Minister?

Who cast out the Whores when things got tough, and tried to sage her wearing white wings.... supporting women who pray to the 'goddess' of glamour, but pretend to be Madonnas and those who have less sins than another?

The suburban ones, you know and you know... what I am talking about.

The Whore of Babylon is back. And this time she will be restored. She will love the war out of the men who still hate their mothers and disgust us with talk of honour and light whilst they continue to isolate, divide and conquer with all the psycho psychic psycho-babble of a 'light-filled' man.

Go ahead, steal Max's email list and I'll give it back to you baby in front of all the damned singers and prayers to a transpersonal god... deny and deny and deny. That humanity is sick. Life IS personal.

The closest spiritual reaction right now is repent repent repent. For we are in pain and we are lost. Pretend to be BUDHAH or THE CHRIST now and you be lost lost lost. We are ripping away babies here and there and everywhere.

And in the richest city in the WORLD ... buying gas and chocolate and coffee with BLOOD IN IT. Whilst the OTHER LA is starving. Pink slips to the teachers. This war costs blood across all boundaries because this war is not just here, with us loosing all our social services. Not just in every frickin country who've been bullied by the US and the CORPORATE ELITE.

The UN actually WAS disarming Hussein for years. The inspections worked for years, disarmed more after the last Gulf War than actually during the bombings then. This is the best damned smoke screen we have ever seen.

Shock and awe of a nation state gone wild. Greed has reached it's end.

The US of A and Israel break way more UN resolutions than Iraq does/ did.

Turn off the blinders and smell the depleted uranium, the babies born w/out limbs... and the economic sanctions that the US bullied UN caused Iraqi's to suffer.... the war has never stopped.

Where is the love? Babies. 50% are children. Estimated 1/2 million will die.

The current state of Afghanistan after our 'liberation': the Taliban still have a radio station, more popular than ever, their graves are used as spiritual sites. Puppet gov. doesn't work. Lynchings are happening daiily in the streets. The women slavery export is on the rise again there. We promised to build roads and also to remove MINES. Instead we only remove the mines that are near the oil pipe lines we are building. Entire towns have NO MALE POPULATION. We killed all men in the large radius around former Al-Quida camps. That would be like the UK bombing Ireland and killing all men in Dublin looking for a few IRA members.

Pagans Unite. ---- The lande! The water supplies. Their food chain. The highest ratio of 'casualties' on OUR side, Desert Storm #1.

Ministers never talk about STRENGTH in such a manner.

Get outside the box and listen to the World. Rome is falling. And She is calling calling calling... for you to


With every bomb we drop, every CIA covert action that is covered up in the name of 'democracy' ... we create 100 new terrorists. A world that takes care of all peoples and not corporate interests, does not BREED terrorism. Look into Bush's eyes and see his reflection in the mirror of Hussain. Look into Osoma Bin Laddin's eyes and see Righteousness. Talk about conviction. Ganesh -- remember his story?

When we bomb the food supplies in Iraq, shutting off millions of daily food rations, we will actually be killing more babies who will NOT get the food in time for our planned 'relief' efforts.

We are NOT bombing Hussain. We are bombing and infecting with RADIOACTIVE waste, an entire nation of peoples and their home, and their ancestor's home.

Meanwhile, in the US -- this 'OPERATION LIBERTY SHIELD' actually is rounding up all Iraqi's that are displaced and have come here to flee the supposed persecution of Hussain. Canadian borders -- Asians and Arabs fleeing and being picked up.

I could go on and on... and I WILL GO ON AND ON.

For, I care too much for the people and children and earth of this planet.

My child's life... my life... our personal sovereign rights...

This is the ONLY life, here. Now.

This is not a party. This is Murder....

- - -

"I've seen the Future baby and It is Murder"

- Leonard Cohen/ Democracy is Coming to the USA
[ | 2003-03-22 00:55 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Friday, March 21, 2003day link 

 Dragon's gonna Get Ya....
I have tried to snippet this article, Metaphor and War, Again By George Lakoff ... which is hard, as it really is worth reading in it's entirety. I have been told, however, that due to the copywrite wishes of alternet that it was not appropriate, as I did originally, to post the whole article. I also think that Blogs look and read better in reality, when they don't have entire articles. So my mistake.

But this issue of the living mythos, and how we become like cogs in the machine, going along with an old story of power corruption deceit and lies lies lies... oh boy, how the lines are getting drawn right now. Henry Miller in Tropic of Capricorn spoke of how every person living in the then-modern machine of New York, was in fact serving the larger entity. There was no way to be an individual against it's will, without doing in fact what he did --- and leave, to then ex-pat Paris. That's what we are all planning, isn't it? Should we do what Ken Carey suggested in The Third Millennium/ The Star-Seed Transmissions -- not to leave the institutions people work in, but from the inside-out theory... I think if we are truly willing to live a new mythos, back into wholeness and beyond polarity... we will know when It's Time to Leave. The eternal City of Isis and Lights... a Temple City with the Pastoral Middle Ground.... is forever calling me Home.

So, here's a much smaller snippet, again, from that article by Lakoff, about the FRAMING of the current INVASION as a conflict of self-defense:
...One of the most frequent uses of the Nation As Person metaphor comes in the almost daily attempts to justify the war metaphorically as a "just war." The basic idea of a just war uses the Nation As Person metaphor plus two narratives that have the structure of classical fairy tales: The Self Defense Story and The Rescue Story.

In each story, there is a Hero, a Crime, a Victim, and a Villain.

... In Gulf War II, Bush II is pushing different versions of the same two story types, and this explains a great deal of what is going on in the American press and in speeches by Bush and Powell. If they can show that Saddam = Al Qaeda - that he is helping or harboring Al Qaeda, then they can make a case for the Self-defense scenario, and hence for a just war on those grounds. Indeed, despite the lack of any positive evidence and the fact that the secular Saddam and the fundamentalist bin Laden despise each other, the Bush administration has managed to convince 40 per cent of the American public of the link, just by asserting it. The administration has told its soldiers the same thing, and so our military men see themselves as going to Iraq in defense of their country.

In the Rescue Scenario, the victims are (1) the Iraqi people and (2) Saddam's neighbors, whom he has not attacked, but is seen as "threatening." That is why Bush and Powell keep on listing Saddam's crimes against the Iraqi people and the weapons he could use to harm his neighbors. Again, most of the American people have accepted the idea that Gulf War II is a rescue of the Iraqi people and a safeguarding of neighboring countries. Of course, the war threatens the safety and well-being of the Iraqi people and will inflict considerable damage on neighboring countries like Turkey and Kuwait.

And why such enmity toward France and Germany? Via the Nation As Person metaphor, they are supposed to be our "friends" and friends are supposed to be supportive and jump in and help us when we need help. Friends are supposed to be loyal. That makes France and Germany fair-weather friends! Not there when you need them.

This is how the war is being framed for the American people by the Administration and media. Millions of people around the world can see that the metaphors and fairy tales don't fit the current situation, that Gulf War II does not qualify as a just war - a "legal" war. But if you accept all these metaphors, as Americans have been led to do by the administration, the press, and the lack of an effective Democratic opposition, then Gulf War II would indeed seem like a just war.

But surely most Americans have been exposed to the facts - the lack of a credible link between Saddam and al Qaeda and the idea that large numbers of innocent Iraqi civilians (estimates are around 500,000) will be killed or maimed by our bombs. Why don't they reach the rational conclusion?

One of the fundamental findings of cognitive science is that people think in terms of frames and metaphors - conceptual structures like those we have been describing. The frames are in the synapses of our brains - physically present in the form of neural circuitry. When the facts don't fit the frames, the frames are kept and the facts ignored.

It is a common folk theory of progressives that "The facts will set you free!" If only you can get all the facts out there in the public eye, then every rational person will reach the right conclusion. It is a vain hope. Human brains just don't work that way. Framing matters. Frames once entrenched are hard to dispel.

This war is a symptom of a larger disease. The war will start presently. The fighting will be over before long. Where will the anti-war movement be then?

...As the war begins, we should look ahead to transforming the anti-war movement into a movement that powerfully articulates progressive values and changes the course of our nation to where those values take us. The war has begun a discussion about values. Let's continue it."

George Lakoff is the author of "Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think," University of Chicago Press, Second edition, 2002. He is Professor of Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley and a Senior Fellow of the Rockridge Institute.

[For creative political adventures in metaphor, see the Metaphor Project .]
[ | 2003-03-21 23:29 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Wednesday, March 19, 2003day link 

 The States of the World, cont...
BBC Headlines

E-cyclopedia's words of war
The words used during war can have special significance - who can forget the classic "collateral damage" from the first Gulf War? E-cyclopedia will be keeping an eye out for the words being used in this conflict, and what they actually mean.
Iraqi TV derides 'Bush the idiot' :
"The idiocy of this little man does not stop at making fabrications and feigning concern for the destiny of mankind, as though he were the absolute custodian of humanity, while his intent is to bring killing, destruction and death to humanity.
Babylon, Troy and Baghdad

Tecia forwarded a timely letter from Vickie Noble today, who talks about the Deep Knowing that this 'karma' must play out:
On this Full Moon evening (Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon--the "service" signs) I am feeling so much. A few of you have written recently and asked what I am feeling as we move toward war (or more precisely, what are my thoughts!) and this is such a hard question to answer. Of course I feel outrage and a deep sense of disbelief, all this on the surface potentially ready to explode into judgment and anger. But more deeply I have felt, and continue to feel, a deep sense of calm sadness over the inevitability of events, the "ripening of karma" as the Buddhists put it. After all, our government was not elected in the first place, and we didn't stop them, so it's hardly surprising that they are acting in ways that are not congruent with our interests. There is something much larger at work here.

One way to view it is through astrology, which shows a scenario more complex than the simple-minded events unfolding in the external daily reality. The chart of George Bush and the chart of Saddam Hussein are interlocking, along with the charts of the U.S. and Iraq. The transits to those charts are targeted in ways that seem almost supernatural, certainly fateful, and cause one to pause and reflect on destiny (both individual and collective), the ripening of karma, and the deeper reincarnational structure that holds us all in place.
And then she goes on to talk about how there is ultimately no 'us' vs 'them' and the ideas of non-duality. To me, life is complex and full of contradictions paradoxes and yes even opposites. But the Fates, the destina... I am not resonating right now with the idea that 'we are all one'. On the transpersonal, I understand this concept. AND, even go into a prayer/ meditative state on this in Holy Moments throughout the course of daily life. On this earth, right here and in this time/space dimension-- there are those who are choosing to spin, to lie, to cheat -- at the expense of our planet and all it's inhabitants.. and at the expense of children in Iraq. As the Pope put it:
The Vatican says anyone who gives up on peace will answer to God. For weeks, the Vatican has repeatedly spoken out against the possibility of war in Iraq. Pope John Paul says the use of force is a last resort and should only be considered after all peaceful means are exhausted.

The Vatican's short response to President Bush's ultimatum for Saddam Hussein says anyone who believes peace is exhausted "assumes a grave responsibility before God, his own conscience and history."
I would agree with that. One thing I have gotten a good homeopathic dose of, as stated in older entries about the right wing radio stations I listen to when driving in the Cachella Valley, to work... is the idea of practicality. I really appreciated the piece I posted yesterday, that actually evaluates something using logic. Philosophically we need to look at the broader issues at stake. Like my questions earlier about what MLKing, Jr. would be doing right now. I think he would indeed call to the brotherhood in all those involved. But also demand that logical ethics be adhered to, and that deceit doesn't continue to be the status quo's order of the day.

When I listened to Bush's speech the other night, detailing out how this indeed is the last straw, and how holy and ethical he is/ we are.. I marveled at the brilliance, how the SPIN can so easily convince those who don't listen to underground or global news, how much this can make pragmatic sense in the box of AmerikaThought. I remember learning about this kind of spin and the whole new birth of it with Nixon's Checker's Speech--about his dog rather than about his lies. Today, we've taken it to another level.

I started this blog this morning and I keep thinking about what Noble said, about the esoteric links between America and Babylon (outside of Baghdad). I just did a search on it and found:

A good short one called
Rivers of Babylon by Kurt Vonnegut:
George W. Bush, with his no-frills education, may believe that God or Moses, or some other sacred advisor, gave us this as a commandment: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

It was in fact the Babylonian king Hammurabi who said it first. And he wasn't urging his own people to be more ferocious, more bloodthirsty. He was trying to make them less so. He was saying, in effect, that if you must seek revenge, you are entitled to this much of it, and not one bit more. Otherwise, you will create more people entitled to closure, until everybody in Babylonia is going to be seeking closure, and our once great country will go down the toilet of history.

Which it did.

And I thank you for your attention.
Insights from Troy -- 'the very first world war between Europe and Asia -- wonderful parallels between the hawks and doves of now and then. Is this the same play?
'But the Trojans dismissed the warnings as "windy nonsense" and sealed their fate. We Americans are the Greeks of our day, and as we now go to war, we should appreciate not only the beauty of the tale, but also the warnings within it.'
And here's some interesting insights from the Christian theologians why 'Babylon will be rebuilt' and some interesting correlations to now...

There must be some significance about the whole world still returning to 'the fertile crescent', the heart of Mesopotamia.

And what's the deal with all the Babylon artifacts that went missing in 'Desert Storm'? .... Letecia had an interesting post last week about The Oldest Human History At Risk by this war... and immediately following that article, check out the ceremony invoking Inanna:
Many people in the world today are concerned about the current situation in Mesopotamia, specifically, the threat of war between the United States and Iraq. This is holy ground, home of one of the most ancient and venerable civilizations on Earth. A major war in this region would be a great tragedy not only for the people of region, but for all peoples everywhere. We wish to pray for peace by appealing to the oldest Goddess known from anywhere in the world, Inanna. She was worshipped thousands of years ago by the direct ancestors of the present-day Iraqi peoples. She was called Inanna when the region was known as Sumer, Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite, and Virgin Mary by later civilizations.
I will finish my madness with a worthy comments on my Wonderland post yesterday, from NCN member Francis Dujardin:
"Those who can make you believe absurdities
can make you commit atrocities."

(Or something like that.)

Voltaire always found himself at odds with the feudal aristocracy of his times. He died on the eve of the French Revolution, which his writings had done much to bring about. I sometimes wonder what he would think of our world were he alive today. But, in some ways, he still lives, doesn't he?
[ | 2003-03-19 17:03 | 0 comments | PermaLink ]

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