Scarlet Jewels
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Female/36-40. Lives in United Kingdom/Joshua Tree/Pipe's Canyon, speaks English and  . Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes writing/ research/systems theories/ futurism.
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United Kingdom, Joshua Tree, Pipe's Canyon, English, , Female, 36-40, writing/ research, systems theories/ futurism.

Saturday, April 26, 2003day link 

 Who Can't Blog?
This might proove even more interesting in days to come... Emmanuelle points out some silenced blogs: a Connecticut journalist has been 'forced' to close his blog in order to keep his job; and "in Iran, the blog community unite to protest the detention of an Iranian blogger by the government." (Check out the on-line petition to help his cause, put together from new aliances between Persian and US Bloggers.}

Speaking of Middle East blogs, Al Jazeera had an article recently about the Salam Pax blog... however, it seems he is still missing...
[ | 2003-04-26 17:29 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 The Black Ribbon/ Flag Campaign
picture I found this black flag on BartCop's rant page. It is a wonderful and up-to-date portal... newsworthy, subversive and witty. The black flag campaign is stated to:
"The Black Flag is a progressive, independent, alternative news venture based in Roswell, New Mexico. Its goal is to provide alternative viewpoints not commonly expressed in the popular media, and to effect change on both the local and national level."
Let's grab their banner and put it on our site's! Seems to also support celebrities who speak out. (Wish it was RSS'd. Putting it on the 'to contact' list for Flemming and I to contact for use of our modular tech.)
[ | 2003-04-26 16:17 | 1 comment | PermaLink ]  More >


Thursday, April 24, 2003day link 

 Chomsky Now.. and More
picture Last Thursday I found myself blessed to hear Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now which was airing on KPFK in LA. It was to mark the 4 week point since our assault upon the peoples and land of practically the most ancient civilization known in our history and herstory. Dr. Chomsky points out how the very people who are running the white house and the power games on the planet right now, are almost nearly the same crew who were in power in the early '80s and '90s under Reagan and Bushman 1. He speaks about the level of mass public dissent being in the 90% in many countries worldwide. I am listening to it again via live-streaming-- highly informative and provoking!

This image of the US flag with the swastika I found from another NCN blog, who also pointed to this article Who Is Running America?/The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States,and the New World Order. Very good research about the credit and debit system currently controlling the earth's hallucination of lack and control thereof. I was happy to find this image, as I have been thinking of creating a bumper sticker with the swastika super-imposed over the American Flag. I am sure that fellow dissidents as wise as Dr. Chomsky however would advise against it, especially in light of that under 'Patriot Act II' the justice department can take one's citizenship just due to an 'inference'.... Oh Orwell roll over...

During the INNITIAL Iraqi invasion, I was forwarded a link to a fairly old analysis of Chomsky and the way the power of his mind can confront the most conforming mainstream interviewer. It is, however, still highly relevant, specific and witty. Find it here:
"What we call politics is really a shadow play conducted by corporate power. Parliament is the buffer between the popular desire for democracy and the reality of corporate rule. People, after all, are unlikely to resist that rule so long as politicians (and journalists) succeed in persuading us that it is not there; that in fact it is we who are in control. The mass media plays a crucial role in supporting the democracy illusion by pretending that the arguments presented to us - together with the parties we are allowed to choose from - constitute a free and fair spectrum of choices, which are our choices, and not what is left after state and corporate power have filtered out choices that threaten to interfere. One of the choices deemed unfit for public consumption is the idea that the mass media is a propaganda system."

I am classifying this note under Futurism/ Evolution. For surely as the new Matrix film is about to be released, and we want to play this bad movie one more time as loud as possible, surely surely surely as all the Futurists like Ming and the Bucky Fuller models that demonstrate the natural organic flow of what is needed and wanted beyond these false prisms of lack and a death of limbo and slavery...
[ | 2003-04-24 23:59 | 4 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Wednesday, April 23, 2003day link 

 The Axis of Abuse
picture Perhaps here are more lesser-humans that we need to 'free'... Iranian actress escapes lashing
An Iranian actress is handed a suspended sentence of 74 lashes for publicly kissing a male director.

Yet I am not sure what to make of this. On one hand it shows the misogyny that continues in the warped form of Islam of Iran... whilst at the same time the 'suspension' may perhaps show a modernation that could be coming of it's own accord. Read = without any US or USSofArrogance!
[ | 2003-04-23 23:59 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 Outdated and extremely up to date
Good ol' astute Glastonbury neighbour and researcher/ writer/ historian extraordiare' Palden Jenkins forwarded this to me today. "This material is nearly a century old, and somewhat apposite."-Palden

Here's a few good paragraphs. Hit MORE to read full article.

The Moral Equivalent of War by William James

"This essay, based on a speech delivered at Stanford University in 1906, is the origin of the idea of organized national service. The line of descent runs directly from this address to the depression-era Civilian Conservation Corps to the Peace Corps, VISTA, and AmeriCorps. Though some phrases grate upon modern still sounds a rallying cry for service in the interests of the individual and the nation."
"The war against war is going to be no holiday excursion or camping party. The military feelings are too deeply grounded to abdicate their place among our ideals until better substitutes are offered than the glory and shame that come to nations as well as to individuals from the ups and downs of politics and the vicissitudes of trade. There is something highly paradoxical in the modern man's relation to war. Ask all our millions, north and south, whether they would vote now (were such a thing possible) to have our war for the Union expunged from history, and the record of a peaceful transition to the present time substituted for that of its marches and battles, and probably hardly a handful of eccentrics would say yes. Those ancestors, those efforts, those memories and legends, are the most ideal part of what we now own together, a sacred spiritual possession worth more than all the blood poured out. Yet ask those same people whether they would be willing, in cold blood, to start another civil war now to gain another similar possession, and not one man or woman would vote for the proposition. In modern eyes, precious though wars may be they must not be waged solely for the sake of the ideal harvest. Only when forced upon one, is a war now thought permissible.


Pacifists ought to enter more deeply into the aesthetical and ethical point of view of their opponents. Do that first in any controversy, says J. J. Chapman, then move the point, and your opponent will follow. So long as antimilitarists propose no substitute for war's disciplinary function, no moral equivalent of war, analogous, as one might say, to the mechanical equivalent of heat, so long they fail to realize the full inwardness of the situation. And as a rule they do fail. The duties, penalties, and sanctions pictured in the utopias they paint are all too weak and tame to touch the military-minded. Tolstoi's pacifism is the only exception to this rule, for it is profoundly pessimistic as regards all this world's values, and makes the fear of the Lord furnish the moral spur provided elsewhere by the fear of the enemy. But our socialistic peace-advocates all believe absolutely in this world's values; and instead of the fear of the Lord and the fear of the enemy, the only fear they reckon with is the fear of poverty if one be lazy. This weakness pervades all the socialistic literature with which I am acquainted. Even in Lowes Dickinson's exquisite dialogue, high wages and short hours are the only forces invoked for overcoming man's distaste for repulsive kinds of labor. Meanwhile men at large still live as they always have lived, under a pain-and-fear economy — for those of us who live in an ease-economy are but an island in the stormy ocean — and the whole atmosphere of present-day utopian literature tastes mawkish and dishwatery to people who still keep a sense for life's more bitter flavors. It suggests, in truth, ubiquitous inferiority.

... All these beliefs of mine put me firmly into the anti-military party. But I do not believe that peace either ought to be or will be permanent on this globe, unless the states, pacifically organized, preserve some of the old elements of army-discipline. A permanently successful peace-economy cannot be a simple pleasure-economy. In the more or less socialistic future toward which mankind seems drifting we must still subject ourselves collectively to those severities which answer to our real position upon this only partly hospitable globe. We must make new energies and hardihoods continue the manliness to which the military mind so faithfully clings. Martial virtues must be the enduring cement; intrepidity, contempt of softness, surrender of private interest, obedience to command, must still remain the rock upon which states are built — unless, indeed, we which for dangerous reactions against commonwealths, fit only for contempt, and liable to invite attack whenever a centre of crystallization for military-minded enterprise gets formed anywhere in their neighborhood."

[ | 2003-04-23 23:59 | 4 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Sunday, April 20, 2003day link 

 "Inner Polarity"
picture I am wondering about the inner patriarchal ideas each of us carry from culture and family. And mine. I know someone’s whose inner critic views her life and all others as either a failure or success. Those who ‘can do it’ and those who simply, can’t won’t or … fate is against, consciousness, luck or whatever. But to me, I always knew it wasn’t about wining or loosing. Rather it’s about the journey and experience, knowledge and wisdom, the Great Mystery and the remembering of something Bigger…

But I just think I figured out what mine is, my ‘inner polarity’. I don’t know if that is a psychologically correct term. The inner Split as I have often referred to ‘it’ as… the one that skews the world into a false sense of division. It is generally linked back to the type of western dysfunctional family, tribe or community one participated in. The Split that keeps the shared hallucination of false models or institutional thought in place. There is a natural Flow… that we Know, feel, dream and hope to return to… the Life we are actually always participating in which is organic, authentic and whole in it’s own non-duality. And then the outer false ideas of heaven and hell that the shared human nightmare makes up. The night mare that gallops through Forget-me-land… full of division and conquering separation. (And yet the ability to self-reflect. Could we do that without the scism?… )

So I figure MY personal polarity is about being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. That I think I am going to be proved ‘wrong’ and therefore am sort of always trying to cover up that I am NOT ‘wrong’. But inevitably someone will find out I AM ‘wrong’…. I don’t want it to be about that… and I want to think it isn’t I have to prove myself ‘right’… but the emotionality is that I am afraid of being found out to be ‘wrong’. I always think I need to have a case for my NOT being wrong… but the fact that I can’t really figure out the logic in a box of rational thought… makes me terribly confused. Because I have a sense of knowing in the kaleidoscope of information and senses I get from the many worlds I walk in, and because I put things together in a sort of multi-dimensional process… I feel I need to be more specific, grounded, and linear in order to ‘prove’ something that I naturally experience in a sort of a spiral awakening, coming into a knowing from many different directions and points. And I have allowed myself to feel wrong about that, that that is NOT the way one is ‘suppose’ to ‘do it’… whatever ‘do it’ means. As in yesterday’s featured article, ‘By WHOSE Standards?’ --- yes, indeed, by WHOSE standards, am I comparing myself? I think that if only I can think like them, talk like them, ‘Be’ as grounded with that same ‘iron in my soul’ on the earth plane as all the other ‘right’ ones in the box, then inevitably I can figure out their game, and show them I am not ‘wrong’ for being, actually, from another game entirely. And isn’t this the loneliest experience, then? This inner polarity? That we each walk around carrying an idea of how we will be judged… and therefore, the thought of it --- in ITSELF --- is what keeps us divided?

In a whole world, in a connected universe, can anything in the path of discovery --- EVEN when we are in ‘reaction’, experience, or a limited view --- can any of it really be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’…? And isn’t this duality just as preposterous as the one that figures life is only about the winners and losers?

The madness continues to set in. Deeper in and further in… I feel more divided, more awake, more alone, and more and more closer to the great inner abyss. El Mystere’~~
- - -

I just wrote the above and decided to look up ‘inner polarity’ on google. I found a section on the website of Ken Page, a new age healer. Although I don’t think he really touches upon most important part of the issue in his own story, I found a similar idea from his as my own ‘Ah-Ha’ of the day:
"Usually our inner piece of polarity is locked or hidden in a space of our lives between our conscious recollections. Most times our inner piece of polarity is hidden in a place where we 'lost our heads', either out of fear, anger or rage, or we have become unconscious. It is different for every person. When you find your own inner piece of polarity (and it can usually be found within about five minutes), there will almost be a physical feeling of release, like a puff of smoke going poof.”
And I found a site on the Tao Te Ching also using this concept:
”Resolving one’s inner polarity is the key to spiritual growth. There is a tendency for people to undo their good efforts through the action of this inner polarity. The first step is to recognise the action of this polarity and relate this action to the action of outer polarity - seen in societal affairs and in Nature generally. The polarity cannot be abolished only balanced. For example the libido should be balanced against a heightened sense of responsibility. One cannot go around copulating indiscriminately, the consequences would be dreadful. So the desire to copulate must be converted into wanting to improve oneself and others.”
I would agree with this Taoism idea. Instead of wanting to transcend or eliminate our polarity – For me, it’s like a layer of an onion, to ‘detox patriarchy’… to continue to come back into balance with what is ALWAYS in unison with true Life. The experience of being human, to react and to respond… doesn’t mean we are ‘less’ (again, polar idea) enlightened, or more ‘done’ with our ‘spiritual work’… it doesn’t mean the separated experiences even, are somehow separate from the WHOLE one. It’s just that we ‘forget.’ Hence the Tao idea of balance. To witness and use ‘Subtle Powers’ for our dance between many worlds … between the broken whirld and the Reality that is within and behind all experiences..

(Later, when I shared this realisation with Ming, he told me he has a technique in his counselling that deals with identifying/ healing the 'inner polarity'. More on this soon~ )
[ | 2003-04-20 14:49 | 7 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Friday, April 18, 2003day link 

 The Best and Worse of Times
picture I cannot herald this article 'Whose Standards? by Michael Albertenough on ZNet the other day, enough. Here's some snippets. It's worth a read ... a thought.... many reads.... many thoughts. Please pass it along. Please memorize it. Please emblazen it upon your heart. A treatise in a nutshell, of the LEVEL this War which has been being waged for 500, perhaps 5,000 years... has reached. The masters and the lies. Versus the chance of a changing world:
What ultimately matters most to people's prospects now and into the future, is the struggle between the world's masters and its aroused citizens.
The conflict between these super powers rages in neighborboods, communities, counties, countries, and regions, and across the whole planet. Advocates of justice are getting stronger, but we cannot yet reverse the rising tides of repression, violence, and impoverishment. We cannot yet win big victories for peace, redistribution, and justice. ...
... We have seen, in recent weeks, not only the largest simultaneous peaceful legal demonstrations worldwide in history, but massive civil disobedience, coordinated resistance, citywide, regional, and national teach-ins, protests, and marches, and what is ultimately most important, local outreach in towns, on streets, in schools, and everywhere.

... People are seeing the necessity to not only oppose this war, but to oppose all imperial war. People are seeing the need to not only seek peace now, but to seek pervasive and lasting peace, and not just peace but also justice. People are seeing the need to not only reject the barbaric, the colonial, and the domineering, but to propose and advocate positive alternatives to capitalism, patriarchy, and racism.

A movement is growing that can persist to fight again and again, amassing strength as it goes. By the standard of winning big changes every day, this movement will lose, lose, lose, for awhile. But by the standard of daily growing bigger, broader, more committed, and more competent, it will win, win, win. ....
Mainstream media presents what suits the masters. It obscures what doesn't. Media mystification so swamps the air waves, the sound waves, and the byways, that any person not directly plugged into alternative avenues of thought and not sustained by a community that ratifies true information and analysis, cannot help but to some degree succumb to the fear and loathing and triumphalism screaming forth from every orifice of society, ...

This is the age of wisdom. .... The public is becoming poetic. The commercial and the crass, broadcast everywhere and requiring our attention at every moment if we are to be part of society, are nonetheless ultimately losing the battle for our hearts and minds. People are gaining awareness, consciousness, and even, ever so slowly, confidence.

... Empire is what we reject, not the touchstone of our behavior. Those with the highest education pontificate against fact, lecture against reason, and preach against the slightest sense of moral decency....

Here in the USA, we have belief and incredulity. We have light and darkness. We have hope and despair. Looked at one way we have everything before us. Looked at another way we have nothing before us. ....

So, which is it? Is history on a road to a worse past or on a road to a better future?

Is democracy coming to the USA…real democracy, for the first time? Or fascism? ... "

[ | 2003-04-18 00:35 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Wednesday, April 16, 2003day link 

 Finding Our Way Home
picture Somerset Man wakes up in old home
"A man has been escorted home by police after waking up in a house he had lived in years before."
But wouldn't it be nice if we could go back to our old homes, and find the comfort, capture the essence of a place of safety? We are always trying to find safety in a world that isn't safe today, but was it ever safe yesterday? To find a benevolent Mother who makes us hot chocolate, and we have all the time in the world to dream of creating better tomorrows?....

(And, it's not at the expense of another's home being blown away?)
[ | 2003-04-16 21:11 | 2 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

Tuesday, April 15, 2003day link 

 I Am what I Am --- Not At All
picture On one of my lists, someone mentions a book called 'The Guru Papers' by Lary Kramer... and I did a little research on it, as I was very taken by the ideas supposedly presented in the book:
"...apparently he writes about the dangers of the 'all is "One" idea' as being a good excuse for a kind of communistic fascism. where one's individuality is taboo, or one's made to confrom or feel guilty and so on.

.. of course for many ideologies the "One" is "God" to whom one must conform, and we, one of the "Many" are somehow "less-than" this idealized "One" ....doesn't this idea--whther the "One" is "God" or some Buddhist-like principle disEMPOWER one's uniqueness?"
I couldn't agree more! Funny thing, that in my own 'Mastery' group, I was taught how to go deeper and deeper into my OWN 'truth'... and from there, all I found was molten lava, revolt, pure lust, love, and the crazy Mystery of 'life'... and that all the constructs, were in effect lies... and all the stories... were stories to bring us closer to the fact.... that no one knows, and I don't know. The paradox, is that I am a 'Knower' and I do indeed Know that I Know... something... something deep, and therein is the twist....

So I decided to do some research about these 'Guru Papers' and I found they were written by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad. Here's a review:
"This book delivers what it promises in the preface and introduction, describing the many settings and situations in which overt and covert authoritarianism can intrude into social, political, and religious beliefs and interfere with normal personality development. Part I examines destructive relationships between one person and others, the guru-disciple dynamic broadly applied not only to political and religious leaders but also to parents, close friends, and lovers. Part II explores subtle, indirect forces in values and beliefs both personal and global concealed in what people assume and take for granted, most of the time unknowingly."
This is so apparent to me in the recent political atomosphere, and how the typical the 'new age' answer to it, is not working! Because they are both coming from the idea of 'think this', 'pray this' or 'believe this'. Things cannot be seen so fixed. In my searching, I also came across other reads which look very interesting on this subject:

*'400 Years Of Imaginary Friends: A Journey Into The World Of Adepts, Masters, Ascended Masters, And Their Messengers' -- !! Need I say more!
*Psychic Dictatorship in America about the fascist roots of the I AM organizations....
*this site has a good run down on the whole ascended master's history, from a very different perspective than most Californian new-agers would want to swallow!

I think there IS spirituality amongst us... but it is so important to weed away the mental constructs, the whirling whirlds that we 'belong' to, buy into, and participate in. Of course they made it all up--- we make everything up!! And I do think there are spirits, energies in land and in the Mysteries, that we can experience, even imagine as personas. But this is just our interpretations of something that is probably beyond anything that we would call human. But what I agree with, as stated in this site which is aimed to help those who have been abused -- "whether within a cult, political regime, or family".... when we begin to detox the ideas of patriarchy, and the ideas of blind conformity --- I sense this thread, these matrixes of thought, that pervade throughout thought systems of individuals, institutions, belief structures, and governing bodies... that these threads themselves are the illusions that keep us separate from a whole, cooperative experience of life. Within each place where 'two or more' are gathered, I agree that we can link in and find the shared 'One'... but never ever ever ... ever again in my box... at the expense of individuality and freedom to discover!!

(This same this site lists books like 1984 and other novels which "feature champions of free will who must battle outrageous abuse of authority, whether within society at large, a cult, or a family.")
[ | 2003-04-15 09:38 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

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  • Elections Irregularities Reported in Major Media Raise Serious Questions
  • Frank Shaeffer on 'Why Is Palin Such a Good Liar For God?'
  • Who is Barack Obama?… His past finally EXPOSED!

  • 2008-10-11
  • Donna Brazile is not going to the Back of the BUS!

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