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Monday, December 30, 2002 | |
Here's a great long treatise forwarded to me by my friend and neighbor in Glastonbury (where I usually am living) Palden Jenkins. He sent it on from "Imaginal Diffusion Agency" :
"You raised that same hand
Which made the genocide.
Are you blind to the blood
Of the holocaust
That circulates through your hand!"
Yoko Hamada
Outcry from the Inferno
Having been born in a military hospital in the United States, my childhood is one of intimate relationship with the weaponry of war. My earliest memories are filled with large ships, submarines, jets and missiles. My identity is integrally tied to tools of annihilation, and my destiny is inseparable from their use.
The men who launch the bombs, who order the killing, who design the destruction, are not twisted demons, but friendly family. Those who feel the wrath of the military cannot see the intimate affection and concern that causes their murder. This is the enduring irony of warfare: for an empire to maintain its security, others must suffer and die. For all of the goodness and lofty ideals an empire professes, those beyond its borders must endure the opposite end of the sword.
Just click on more to read the rest. I especially liked the quotes at the bottom of this provocative and insightful read:
"A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes."
-- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
-- Abraham Lincoln
"As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air -- however slight -- lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.
-- William O. Douglas, 1939 - 1975
US Supreme Court Justice
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
-- Mohandas Gandhi [ Politics/ Activism | 2002-12-30 20:57 | | PermaLink ] More >
Sunday, December 29, 2002 | |
I had to grab this wonderful 'Daily Mirror' cover that Flemming had in his Blog yesterday... when referring to the launch of a new website, http://www.rootingoutevil.org. Go there and sign up as a 'weapons inspector'.
Yes, let's really look into what 'we' American cowboys have stock-piled for the last 50 years! What IS underground, in The Four Corner States? California? Washington D.C.? How about full disclosure of all our alterior motives? Where did Amthrax come from--a biological engineer in the US, eh? I saw a (BBC, I think) documentary about it last year in the UK -- There was this top investigator, handwriting expert and he was able to narrow it down to what laboratory it was created in, in the US! It was the same expert who helped find the 'Unibomber'. In the end, he got so close to unlocking the case, that he admitted it seemed like 'someone' from high up had put a stop to his investigation in the end. Another Oly North? Lee Harvey Oswald? ....
Also, I appreciated Flemming bringing to my attention this fascinating list Who sold what to Iraq, as contained in the Iraqi arms declaration, brought to you by Andreas Zumach of Die Tageszeitung:
Who sold what weapons technology to Iraq
1. Honeywell (rockets, chemical)
2. Spectra Physics (chemical)
3. Semetex (rockets)
4. TI Coating (atomic, chemical)
5. Unisys (atomic, chemical)
6. Sperry Corp. (rockets, chemical)
7. Tektronix (rockets, atomic)
8. Rockwell (chemical)
9. Leybold Vacuum Systems (atomic)
10. Finnigan-MAT-US (atomic)
11. Hewlett-Packard (atomic, rockets, chemical)
12. Dupont (atomic)
13. Eastman Kodak (rockets)
14. American Type Culture Collection (biological)
15. Alcolac International (chemical)
16. Consarc (atomic)
17. Carl Zeiss - U.S (chemical)
18. Cerberus (LTD) (atomic)
19. Electronic Associates (rockets)
20. International Computer Systems (atomic, rockets, chemical)
21. Bechtel (chemical)
22. EZ Logic Data Systems, Inc. (rockets)
23. Canberra Industries Inc. (atomic)
24. Axel Electronics Inc. (atomic)
1. Euromac Ltd-Uk (atomic)
2. C. Plath-Nuclear (atomic)
3. Endshire Export Marketing (atomic)
4. International Computer Systems (atomic, rockets, chemical)
5. MEED International (atomic, chemical)
6. Walter Somers Ltd. (rockets)
7. International Computer Limited (atomic, chemical)
8. Matrix Churchill Corp. (atomic)
9. Ali Ashour Daghir (atomic)
10. International Military Services (rockets) (owned by the British Ministry of Defence)
11. Sheffield Forgemasters (rockets)
12. Technology Development Group (rockets)
13. International Signal and Control (rockets)
14. Terex Corporation (rockets)
15. Inwako (atomic)
16. TMG Engineering (chemical)
17. XYY Options, Inc (atomic) [ Politics/ Activism | 2002-12-29 13:34 | | PermaLink ] More >
Saturday, December 28, 2002 | |
This article by Noah Shachtman speaks of how Blogs actually influence issues which the US mainstream media may wish to ignore, as in the Trent Lott case: "It's safe to assume that, before he flushed his reputation down the toilet, Trent Lott had absolutely no idea what a blog was.
"He may have a clue now. Internet opinion pages like Instapundit ([link]), run by University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds, and Talking Points Memo ([link]),from leftie political columnist Josh Marshall -- were among the first to latch on to ABCNews.com's brief item on Lott's racist comments during Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday bash.
"And they kept focusing on Lott's hateful past -- until the national press corps finally had to take notice.
'Joshua Marshall, whose talkingpointsmemo.com is must reading for the politically curious, (is) more than anyone else, responsible for making Trent Lott's offensive remarks the issue they deserve to be,' noted Paul Krugman in his New York Times column." [ Systems | 2002-12-28 17:59 | | PermaLink ] More >
Here is a general overall picture of the computer revolution, though written over two years ago. Christopher Rudy's ideas are a bit naive, but the research he sites is sound and encouraging: "It’s important to realize that the I-Net Revolution disrupts and erodes the power elite top-down hierarchies that still dominate our mainstream social, political and economic institutions. The Net is a horizontal diffusion and redistribution of power, often to the benefit of weaker and smaller actors in direct challenge to elite power trips. It crosses borders, redraws the boundaries of offices and responsibilities, and generally compels closed systems (power elite monopolies) to open up.
"In short, the Internet is like David taking a shot to the 3rd eye of the power elite Goliath (and Congress lackeys) who value scarcity through monopoly controls within mainstream media, medical, management and marketing institutions that have been bought off by the perks of prestige, profit and power-to-control above all. This Goliath feels extremely threatened by the freedom and opportunity on the Net that "levels the playing field" and challenges the old money-is-power rules that have usurped, co-opted or otherwise subverted our individual and collective sovereignty in order to keep self-governing accountability FROM the people rather than “of, by and for the people”.." He talks about some sort of softare (Heartware) which I can't get my mind around... but leads me to think about what Flemming and other Synchronicity associates and I have been brainstorming on with the 'OrgSpace' modules... a type of interface similar to what runs much of NCN. Our inevitable vision of where we are going with this has to do with helping manifest the emerging Global Brain theories. Ming wrote something about OrgSpace in October. More to be revealed about this in the immediate future. [ Futurism/ Evolution | 2002-12-28 16:37 | | PermaLink ] More >
Finally finished viewing 'Waking Life' (after a week off up North for Holiday Stuff)... the idea that time is our saying 'No' to a Universe/ God Idea... that wants us, is waiting for us, to say 'Yes' to embrace the One Moment, of Now, the Eternal Moment. Of course we get that from all corners, philosophically, theologically, spiritual New Age and Psychedelic Guru jargons... but indeed is it that simple? Are we all waiting in Life's Waiting Room, indeed that we are NOT YET ALIVE? This is possible. I have always mused about this one Point, as I wrote on Sunday. There is this one Great Point, that I return to the edges of again and again. It is the 'Voice' that us writers touch upon. Great artisans are able to covet the corners and edges of that eternal Familiar, that Eternal Return... again and again we begin to awake and forget to remember... all in this eternal dream of the awakening. I remember the points in this life's time and space, dot to dot around the points trying trying trying to get back and forth to that final place, that point of redemption. Then of course there were crazy moments in the meditation years, where again, one imagines that you are There. But could we possibly ever Be There in these bodies? Could all the puzzle pieces only fit together to our demise, of being made whole when indeed only as the fragments of the broken light shadows, can we reflect back and look upon ourselves and make a reference point?
Here is an educational site about Nietzsche's Treatise... and I agreed with it's ideas about Nietzsche's problem on metaphysical rhetoric:
"In addition, this discussion of the mechanics of the Eternal Return begs the question: The why of the Eternal Return. What does it accomplish? Even, what does it will? At some point we must ask ourselves what implications this patently metaphysical theory has with the otherwise material nature of Nietzsche's philosophy.
"We can quickly see that the Eternal Return suffers from the same malady as does theological theories over the existence of God. Both are conjecture. Neither the Eternal Return, nor God, is provable in any empirical or logical system. So we must ask ourselves, how do we cope with the Eternal Return? Do we approach it from its metaphysical ramifications? Do we accept it on, of all things, faith? Or do we take another approach? We must remember that the real problem with the idea of the existence of God isn't that it is conjecture, but that the Will to Truth places the mantle of reality/doctrine over that conjecture. This is the fallacy inherent in all metaphysics. Metaphysics as a discipline is conjecture, and to discuss it as though it were fact, is, if nothing else, faulty rhetoric. If, however, when we approach the Eternal Return, we approach it as mythos rather than metaphysics, we find a qualitatively different concept waiting for us. (Here, I am admittedly defining mythos--in a binary with metaphysics--as those conjectures we admit are narratives which are unprovable, and un-disprovable, yet, still compel us.) We find then, that the significant question we must ask about the Eternal Return, isn't whether it is Truth, but how does it affirm life, or through it, how do we affirm life?" Further, I found an astrologer who actually looks at Nietzsche's chart as a symbol of our current collective psyche's dilemna--indeed, that which Nietzsche embodied:
"Depth psychology, existentialism and the human potential movement: the idea and practice of the liberation of the self involving a necessary opening to the hidden Dionysiac depths; the necessary break with the collective in its conventional, conformist and often cultural/moral mediocrity; individual empowerment through a healthily strong ego; the belief that deep societal change can only come about through personal transformation and individual growth in consciousness -- all this constitutes the best and deepest of the Nietzschean insights! For myself, the most haunting description of the problem of Eternal Return was written in the start of Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
Here's a good interview with Kundera about'Unbearable'.
And, finally some further comments by-Igor Abramov:
"In his book, Kundera discusses the issue of eternal return. He says that if the idea of an eternal return is valid, then human beings always carry the heaviest burden of all-"the weight of unbearable responsibility."(5) However, Kundera writes that our world is morally perverse-everything in this world is forgiven in advance, thus, everything is "cynically permitted."(4) If one knows that his actions will not carry consequences in the times to come, one acts recklessly, without any consideration. Kundera rightly notices that Hitler's actions were a direct result of the world's conviction that there is no eternal return. Therefore, Hitler was free to commit all his crimes without being punished for them. Sometimes the lightness of being allows a person to interpret that anything that happens to him has no weight, no permanent importance in his life, no significance. Thus, he is free to continue living free of burden, ignoring any occurrences." [ Poems & Musings | 2002-12-28 10:13 | | PermaLink ] More >
Sunday, December 22, 2002 | |
Another eccentric High Desert customer to Paladin Video in Yucca --the most extensive, inspiring, and intelligent collection of films I have ever come across--I was recommended the film Waking Life by Richard Linklater. What got me was his description that it had to do with my favourite theme: are we dreaming awake, or waking from the dream? I have begun viewing this surreal 'animation' that blends between worlds and philosophies of life. It has futurism , biology, one brilliant treatise on the 'truth' behind Satre... and even a wonderful pillow talk between Uma and Ethan, voices beyond their Picasso-esque 'animation' selves....
But really, what is the dream? When do we ever wake up? Is there a point? There must be a point of recognition, of this Great Crescendo as one brainy 'Waking' character pointed out. (I like to think of it as waking the Global Brain, this Epoch into The Future). In this dream of our awakenings... I have written and pondered and fretted... and then spaced and forgot and just got on with the task at hand of feeding a babe and kissing a wounded lover's feet. Though still we continue with The Great Ah-Has of those lucid dreams when we know indeed we are threading the themes of yes, this Waking Life.. and that we Know, the Gnosis is shared with all the I's that are having their way with us... and then, why do we wake up and forget the journey, or the point of it? And, so I answer my own pondering. We cannot know the point, for the ant perspective. We must fly and have the moments of Communion in order to come back and be fragments of beauty once more.. confused and within that, the Eye sees the I but yet again, differently. [ Poems & Musings | 2002-12-22 22:53 | | PermaLink ] More >
Saturday, December 21, 2002 | |
Yesterday Ming's blurb on 'Living Systems, Holons in Holarchies' speaks of 'evolutionary biologist' Elisabet Sahtouris's notions of:
"A biology that sees all nature as co-evolving holons (living entities) in holarchies (interdependent embeddedness) will quickly reveal much about humanity itself as one such holon - containing its own holarchy of individuals, families, organizations, communities, nations and world. Through this understanding of ourselves, we will gain profound insights on where we succeed and where we fail as a living system." --Biology Revisioned
Speaking of embeddedness as a noun, springs ot mind my old chum Dan Winter... where art thou, my friend but thrown across the pond due to strange people claiming to own the very symbolic pictures of this embeddedness from which we all arise? I know that the Implosion Group in Holland have the dignity to recognize this Work is beyond boundaries...
In a nutshell, in a kernel, in a seed, in the very Heart of it all, Dan's mathematical graphical animation work shows us that indeed the inside is in the outside... that -only- through embedding ourselves into the whole system from which we -are- can we retain memory throughout time and space. This is gnosis, self-knowledge. To be one's nature, to fall out and inside of one's self, as she expands out into the known galaxies and beyond, can we actually be found. Dan used to say, it's when the 'map becomes the terrain'.....
In my own work I see this as recognizing, remembering what seems to flow and respond to the myriad of mythos that we live out, where indeed the synchronicities flow exponentially. And, even when they do not -- to recognize when perhaps they are fine tuning the embeddedness of how we integrate into all the holarchies in which we truly are having our livingness in. [ Science | 2002-12-21 12:39 | | PermaLink ] More >
Thursday, December 19, 2002 | |
Ming said yesterday
"I was watching a documentary on HBO about this artist Spencer Tunick who has been traveling America and the world, photographing nude people in unusual settings and arrangements. Now, what was very refreshing and inspiring about that is that there is nothing lewd or even tintilating about how he does it. It is very normal people, not picked based on any standard of physical beauty, but mainly based on that they're real people that one meets on the street. And there is something very powerful and beautiful that comes from that. Besides being art, and performance art, it is activism. It is activism asking us to look at things a bit differently, and breaking through stupid bourgeois norms for what is proper and expected."
I remember watching a documentary about Tunick's work on the ITV last year in the U.K. I would agree that it is very refreshing and radical. That this might indeed be the kind of answer we need to get out and DO: Yes! All size and shapes of nudes for peace, nudes for exposure, nudes for some sort of message and Truth with a capital T.
But I wouldn't say this is NOT lewd and tintilating, only in that we denounce being lewd and tintilating for it's own sake. What is lewd? What is tintilating? When it is cut off from the rest of us, then it is crass and lewd. But do you think this art is NOT erotic? I think it includes being erotic by it's Nature. By not seeming to be about the flesh, but by using the flesh, it becomes even MORE about the flesh... about the flesh we hide and deny. But then the perversions is that there is a lewd and lurid obsession with flesh that 'acts out' the parts of us that have been hidden. Tunick is lurid in that he is vivid. He is NOT obscene in that he IS obscene beyond obscenity. To say he is NOT what he IS, is the transcendence of when things are healing on many levels, dealing with where we are split apart whilst we become whole again just to split ourselves up for the sake of it.
The settings in which his nudes appear in to me are very exciting and arousing because they embody where we are so split from Nature, and thus, bringing the Nude Nature into the setting, is like some pledge from purgatory that is pleading us back into some purpose and inclusive reality. Therefore it's existential and idealistic at once. I am always for radical expressions that include the beauty and bizarre of our human pain and pleasure. [ Inspiration | 2002-12-19 14:26 | | PermaLink ] More >
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