Scarlet Jewels: The FourthWave Of Computing- Biggest Evolutionary Change Since Dark Ages
The NewsLog of Julie Solheim-Roe
 The FourthWave Of Computing- Biggest Evolutionary Change Since Dark Ages0 comments
picture2002-12-28 16:37, by Julie Solheim-Roe

Here is a general overall picture of the computer revolution, though written over two years ago. Christopher Rudy's ideas are a bit naive, but the research he sites is sound and encouraging:
"It’s important to realize that the I-Net Revolution disrupts and erodes the power elite top-down hierarchies that still dominate our mainstream social, political and economic institutions. The Net is a horizontal diffusion and redistribution of power, often to the benefit of weaker and smaller actors in direct challenge to elite power trips. It crosses borders, redraws the boundaries of offices and responsibilities, and generally compels closed systems (power elite monopolies) to open up.

"In short, the Internet is like David taking a shot to the 3rd eye of the power elite Goliath (and Congress lackeys) who value scarcity through monopoly controls within mainstream media, medical, management and marketing institutions that have been bought off by the perks of prestige, profit and power-to-control above all. This Goliath feels extremely threatened by the freedom and opportunity on the Net that "levels the playing field" and challenges the old money-is-power rules that have usurped, co-opted or otherwise subverted our individual and collective sovereignty in order to keep self-governing accountability FROM the people rather than “of, by and for the people”.."
He talks about some sort of softare (Heartware) which I can't get my mind around... but leads me to think about what Flemming and other Synchronicity associates and I have been brainstorming on with the 'OrgSpace' modules... a type of interface similar to what runs much of NCN. Our inevitable vision of where we are going with this has to do with helping manifest the emerging Global Brain theories. Ming wrote something about OrgSpace in October. More to be revealed about this in the immediate future.

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