2002-12-28 17:59, by Julie Solheim-Roe
This article by Noah Shachtman speaks of how Blogs actually influence issues which the US mainstream media may wish to ignore, as in the Trent Lott case: "It's safe to assume that, before he flushed his reputation down the toilet, Trent Lott had absolutely no idea what a blog was.
"He may have a clue now. Internet opinion pages like Instapundit ([link]), run by University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds, and Talking Points Memo ([link]),from leftie political columnist Josh Marshall -- were among the first to latch on to ABCNews.com's brief item on Lott's racist comments during Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday bash.
"And they kept focusing on Lott's hateful past -- until the national press corps finally had to take notice.
'Joshua Marshall, whose talkingpointsmemo.com is must reading for the politically curious, (is) more than anyone else, responsible for making Trent Lott's offensive remarks the issue they deserve to be,' noted Paul Krugman in his New York Times column."