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Thursday, February 13, 2003 | |
Ming talks about an old Monty Python favourite, Terry Jones. I heard a great parody on kpfk a week ago ... it was on the radio in the UK recently and I can't find it on-line. If anyone knows how to find it, pleaes advise. The theory was an itemization of how Iraq should pay for being bombed by the most powerful and expensive army in history. It went into price for head wounds and infant deaths, etc. Bravo.
This is his latest article which Ming spoke of. The idea is that Britain should have treated Ireland and the IRA the same way Bush's 'War on Terrorism' is waged in the Middle East:
Here is a commentary he wrote in the Observer this week: Having bombed Dublin and, perhaps, a few IRA training bogs in Tipperary, we could not have afforded to be complacent. We would have had to turn our attention to those states which had supported and funded the IRA terrorists through all these years. The main provider of funds was, of course, the USA, and this would have posed us with a bit of a problem. Where to bomb in America? It's a big place and it's by no means certain that a small country like the UK could afford enough bombs to do the whole job. It's going to cost the US billions to bomb Iraq and a lot of that is empty countryside. America, on the other hand, provides a bewildering number of targets.
Should we have bombed Washington, where the policies were formed? Or should we have concentrated on places where Irishmen are known to lurk, like New York, Boston and Philadelphia? We could have bombed any police station and fire station in most major urban centres, secure in the knowledge that we would be taking out significant numbers of IRA sympathisers. On St Patrick's Day, we could have bombed Fifth Avenue and scored a bull's-eye. From here, found some great articles at The Observer under 'The Bush Files'. Check out the stuff on the way his evangelism runs his Whitehouse. Somewhere I saw something on Bush being a dry-drunk. I have had experience with that energy -- and I'd say there is something to this theory. Angry without admitting it to yourself; acting 'compassionate' whilst finding righteous reasons to destroy; telling lies that you almost believe... you begin to believe them and wish them so to be true; the constant denial that compells one forward... in these dangerous webs we weave whilst we pracice in deceit. [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-02-13 01:19 | | PermaLink ] More >
Sunday, February 2, 2003 | |
Yesterday I asked myself how we could respond more like Martin Luther King Jr. would at this juncture in our nation's impending date with it's Future...
And a fellow NCNer answered with a lucid, and nakedly true philosophical article A rabid flock of lying killers
How American Christians and Jews justify the mass murder of innocents in the name of "the Lord"
By John Kaminski skylax@comcast.net DOES GOD want us to kill innocent Iraqi children? Judging by the apparently unanimous approval in the Senate chamber from all those truth-immune political celebrities watching President Bush's most recent State of the Union address — all of whom are at least overtly religious churchgoers — the message is clear: HE does. Apparently there is not a single member of Congress who opposes the idea of dropping more bombs on Iraq. Sure, there are a few who want U.N. endorsement, but if they get that — that is to say, if they can ultimately avoid blame for this atrocity by later saying the U.N. said it was OK to do it — there is nobody in the entire U.S. government apparatus who opposes obliterating Iraq, and murdering still thousands more of its defenseless women and children. If there were, we would have heard them booing that speech, and we didn't. If there were, we would have heard an outraged Democratic response, instead of the cowardly endorsement of the principles of the Bush plan for continuing genocide that we did hear." Click on the above link for the full article -- an important treatise on whatever it means to be religious and right --- usually not to be used in the same sentence without cancelling each other out! [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-02-02 21:08 | | PermaLink ] More >
An incredible band from Glastonbury called Seize The Day has made it into the top four of the eighty bands originally nominated for the BBC Radio 3 World Music Audience Awards. They're asking friends and activist-networks to put the word out for them everywhere, and vote one more time: - If we win the award, it will show just how huge the movement for change has become, and in turn gain more exposure for our campaigns.
So please follow this link to the BBC Radio 3 web-site and click on
REGISTER in order to vote for Seize The Day.
To vote in the final round they ask you to register with the BBCi, which involves making up a username and password and giving any email address - it takes 10 seconds, then you can vote!
Seize The Day are an environmental activist band from Glastonbury who campaign for social justice, a GMO free world, peace and all sorts of good causes. .... If you want to hear their music, there are five Seize The Day songs on the Radio 3 web site. [ Environment | 2003-02-02 21:08 | | PermaLink ] More >
Thursday, January 30, 2003 | |
I got an open email from Marianne Williamson asking what Martin Luther King Jr. would be doing now: Just as Dr. King spoke out against the war in Viet Nam, one wonders what he would be thinking as we prepare for war against Iraq. Neither Dr. King in his time, nor any of us now, wish to see a weak America. Yet many of us, like him, have come to question how much strength there is in violence. "The ultimate weakness of violence," said Dr. King, "is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it."
It is difficult to express such things in America today, without being branded an unrealistic dreamer. Indeed, the status quo no more embraces the philosophy of non-violence today than it did thirty-five years ago. For love, peace, brotherhood and justice are radical concepts, as much so today as they were decades ago, or centuries ago. And the notion that military power is strength -- while brotherhood and love are weakness -- is a spiritually perverse worldview with unfortunately as much grip on the American mind today as it had during Dr. King's lifetime. It is that assumption, I believe, which he would challenge, were he here.
Dr. King inspired us to look to the love at the core of the human experience, for a vision that beckons all humanity. "We are challenged to rise," he said, "above the narrow confines or our individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. The new world is a world of geographical togetherness. This means that no individual or nation can live alone. We must all learn to live together, or we will be forced to die together.
... Through our scientific genius we have made of the world a neighborhood; now through our moral and spiritual genius we must make it a brotherhood. We are all involved in the single process. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are all links in the great chain of humanity... we have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization."
Dr. King was as serious when he talked about love, as some people are when they talk about war. And so should we be, if we claim to truly embrace what he lived and died for. And a couple days ago Nelson Mandela 'blasts Bush on Iraq', warning: "It is a tragedy what is happening, what Bush is doing in Iraq," Mandela told an audience in Johannesburg. "What I am condemning is that one power, with a president who has no foresight, who cannot think properly, is now wanting to plunge the world into a holocaust," he added, to loud applause. Flemming found an extraordinary link between the spoils of the Third Reich and Bush Jr.'s grand daddy... and it goes on and on. How can we one two buckle our shoes? Tie ourselves into so many knots that we cannot simply see the destruction from the chaos? Is there any rhyme, is there, is there? To this madness? And how am I participating? When I watched Bush offer his condolences today for the Columbia astronauts... I thought how he totally didn't deserve the honour... of such an honour! I thought of how many times he will come on the tv in the coming months... years? And have the same BS to say about the military braves --- our mother's sons .. and daughters -- that he is sending into oblivion... not accidentally or in an unforeseen tragic event like today's events -- but indeed with calculation and choice. And the innocents that will die on account of his arrogance, greed and sickness to evangelize the illiterate. So, Marianne.... what would MLK, jr do now? I don't know. But damned if none of us are doing it. [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-01-30 23:00 | | PermaLink ] More >
Saturday, January 25, 2003 | |
How can I get them out and sort them and explain them and justify them and organize them? What madness is it to think we can? As Dee Hock's theories I posted on Thursday describe, there is a madness and disorder to our constant state of becoming. I have been feeling very trapped and blocked in my creative outflow for some time now. The meeting with Flemming and that joy-filled consultant in December was the beginning of my re-emergence... Part of the conversations around specific thoughts and ideas have been wearing on me. Some beloveds in my life have wanted me to define and pin point what indeed is going on for me. If I could just be let to gestate in my own organic flow, and then the pulse the rhythm the idea the thought, yes even a specific one! ... can be discovered! I think I am an explorer of consciousness. Not a discoverer. A traverser. Or Traversess. A winger flow-er grower seer knower finder. Yes to traverse via the many dimensions of our becoming.
I drive past the famous San Gorgonio Pass windmills almost every day during my brief surreal stay of a few months back in the US... doing a crazy hodgepodge of helping an old colleague sell body jewelry as a means to support my baby and our dreams of getting back to England and then finally France by next summer... In my morning trance and ponderance... I whirl past the windmills and think about the famous song --- Like a tunnel that you follow... To a tunnel of its own.... Down a hollow to a cavern... Where the sun has never shone... Like a door that keeps revolving... In a half-forgotten dream... --- and I link back forth and back again always in this dream of my own making.... tracing the corridors of my psyche that is forever out of reach. In this dream of our becoming....
My initiations over here have been so very hard and weary... on so many levels, I must say in all honesty. in many ways it all being 'about Work' for me right now, on the major front of what is up with my present course at hand.... is staggering.... there is some inner continuous Prayer that I am entranced in, though on so many levels... I am just coping with what is before me.... though Life Herself continues to whisper me forth and brings me some strange mixed bag of courage, hope and strength---- must I say, despite it all.... despite it all...... I am climbing a seeming uphill course. But, I can see the Inner Compas' Needle has already some subtle shifts on the Inner... and then, Pop! Looking back at the direction forward... I see indeed a few Shifts have also occurred.
If we are this choardic creatures that must surrender to an organization beyond our desire to control and organize in a flat pancake hallucination model that no longer exists.... then Ming's ideas about how we're all Overwhelmed is accurate.... how do we surrender and abandon the false prisms of our mind? Come into harmony with what is being honed via the organic tests of our continuum? Life swings, balances, remains, sustains... if only we trusted even the underworld initiations in our mythos.... individually and in the transpersonal.
Yes and from one perspective, I have been in a type of Hell, a feeling of 'no way out' --- some sort of trapped mind, state, static state of limbo. And yet the star juice, the spewing stuff that glues it all together, it seems to be all around me even when especially when I am weeping inside... for the prisons we strange beautiful humans create.... and also for the trap doorways into the which we continuously ignore but yet fall into ... in this Thread of Mystery that prevails, again and again and again....... I read an Agatha Christie book last week and loved this quote about 'sins having long shadows'... and I think that's what's happening in my life quite specifically right now. I am somehow coming to terms with my own separation from Life, where I have betrayed myself and hidden from my own decision to say Yes to the gold before me, what I am here to offer.... and at the same time, I feel more in Service in the most simplest ways, to the Unfoldment of the Dreaming Life....
Is it possible the Blog Mind is the great crescendo of the Global Brain --- the cruscendo that Leonard Shlain speaks about in The Alphabet versus the Goddess? That we cannot mind-map that which is driven from the poetic, primal pulse from the Mother's spewing Nebuliac Womb? And what has been trapped, compressed, underground, pushed, within me and within all of us --- is this uncoiling of a large serpentine lover just waiting to slither us into stardust and crystal clear chaordic understandings?
Is the only way for me to awaken from this Trance, is it to just Be the Trance itself? Accept I am always in this state of Becoming? The explorer becomes the map... as Dan Winter puts it, the map literally becomes the terrain! We just do what we do, float where we float, show up as we can, sing the disharmonic chords, and in this spewing the light and emerging pattern finds us out as a reflective mirror of Emergence itself. [ Poems & Musings | 2003-01-25 11:01 | | PermaLink ] More >
Thursday, January 23, 2003 | |
Astronomy's Pict o the Day
Credit: J. English (U. Manitoba), C. Palma (PSU), et al., NASA
"Explanation: Known as Seyfert's Sextet, this intriguing group of galaxies lies in the head portion of the split constellation Serpens. The sextet actually contains only four interacting galaxies, though. Near the center of this Hubble Space Telescope picture, the small face-on spiral galaxy lies in the distant background and appears only by chance aligned with the main group. Also, the prominent condensation on the far right is likely not a separate galaxy at all, but a tidal tail of stars flung out by the galaxies' gravitational interactions. About 190 million light-years away, the interacting galaxies are tightly packed into a region around 100,000 light-years across, comparable to the size of our own Milky Way galaxy, making this one of the densest known galaxy groups. Bound by gravity, the close-knit group may coalesce into a single large galaxy over the next few billion years." [ Science | 2003-01-23 21:45 | | PermaLink ] More >
 "If you don't think that something as common as the plastic Visa credit card in your wallet could be part of evolution's plan, consider this: Visa International ... espouses no political, economic, social or legal theory, thus transcending language, custom, politics and culture to successfully connect a bewildering variety of more than 21,000 financial institutions,16 million merchants and 800 million people in 300 countries and territories. Annual volume of $1.4 trillion continues to grow in excess of twenty percent compounded annually. A staff of about three thousand people scattered in twenty-one offices in thirteen countries on four continents provides ... around-the-clock operation of two global electronic communication systems with thousands of data centers communicating through nine million miles of fiber-optic cable. Its electronic systems clear more transactions in one week than the Federal Reserve System does in a year." (SNIP)
"The Chaordic Commons (www.chaordic.org), explains this phenomenon in captivating detail. Principally, a chaordic organization is a self-organizing and self-evolving entity, which ends up looking more like a neural network (like the Internet) than a hierarchically-organized bureaucracy in which decision-making power is centralized at the top and trickles down through a series of well-regulated departments and managers. Chaordic organizations do not fear change or innovation. They are, by their very nature, supremely adaptive. They also tend to be inclusive, multicentric, and distributive and, ultimately, strongly cohesive due to their unshakable focus on common purpose and core principles. If you can't quite visualize it, there's a good reason, which Hock will explain in the following interview." From Transformation by Design/ An Interview with Dee Hock by Melissa Hoffman for 'What is Enlightment' Magazine. [ Futurism/ Evolution | 2003-01-23 20:41 | | PermaLink ] More >
Friday, January 17, 2003 | |
All my roads have led to the continual levels of the Tower of my life's mythos making... and all of those roads have led me to France. All of my closest beloveds have known, the pervasive dream of getting there has become ever so more nearer and dearer and realer in the past few years since I embarked upon my descent into the underworld initiations of Avalon. Within two days of moving to Glastonbury in June of 1999, I was whisked away by an old lover to Juan le Pin near Cannes. I would follow only a few weeks later on my Mary Magdalene journey... the main subject of my personal and transpersonal research for many years. The mysteries, the lande, the scarlet threads... all wind me in and enfold me in the dream of my own French living....
Then Ming has the audacity to announce he's moving his 'family' to the
"South of France" .. and how the decision making process rather solidified itself in the past week. Last summer I had my house sold in England and actually went on a scouting mission to the exact region he 'chose'. I would be there now if it weren't that the house deal fell through. The funny thing is he admits to having some sort of amnesia about me, my France thang, and even doesn't remember what I departed to him about my research and trip there last summer.
Since I have been back in the States, to recover lost debt over the last couple years, etc etc... and try to return to Glastonbury this spring in a stronger financial position... Flemming has very much missed his magic making ventures with me his soul star sister. He even paid for an expensive soul path consulting with a man named Al Joy in LA on Friday the 13th a month ago.... just so we could get to the bottom of what needs to be done to rekindle our worth and Work together... in Synchronicity Networks and our OrgSpace modules... as well as how we could just return to the Mystery that lies between our souls, and manifest the gold there in a more Real World attainment. The meeting was excellent... and it was from that that I was prompted to start my own Blog.
But one of the things the Joy Man hit on the head, is the Towers I find myself in this life. The personal and transpersonal mythos of a magdala woman, is one who DEVOTES her abilities to those worthy of it. It seems that Ming has been one such selected candidate in our shared story... but that since I got married, he had somehow forgotten his responsibilities to releasing me. It came down to, he has the technology and he can rebuild me.... hehe... Or in our case, release me from the towers. The bombardment of feelings, thoughts and musings that pass through my body and mind vehicle from all the soul currents galactically and beyond... must be given vehicles to be released. I need direction, support and commitment. Don't we all. But the nice thing is Ming finds me worthy in return, of being a walking breathing living galvanizer, embodiment of the technology that we wish to birth in a self-organizing way.
So, hey, thanks Ming,for remembering me -- NOT -- in my dream of dreams!!!
Yesterday we icq'd on this for a long time. He seemed to have a few eye openers and realized that indeed the launching of our projects will help both of us with income streams whilst we individually or collectively start a new European existence. He said he saw the dots of it... but it was like he was the magician behind the curtain and the fuzz balls of it got stuck in his edifices. Let's wipe your eyes, clean out your nose and remember those who have supported you... and all the members of your 'family' for now on, when you make decisions! Emmanuel, my 'husband', was asking why I was still mad that Flemming was moving to France. I am not mad he is moving. I am wounded and trapped that instead of helping the whole family, in all dimensions, get on with their dreams... he seemed to be almost diminishing mine... making me feel like indeed I am in a dream. He will go forth and forget me. Make it happen and I will be forever towered. That's the fear. Of course after we talked, he seemed more committed than ever to bring it all together. I just wonder how on earth he can be so forgetful?! smile. I think, after this post (which he encouraged me to write) he may indeed get his key-making skills more honed and unlock some of my chamber doors... and be more cognizant of our intregal role in each other's unfolding. [ Poems & Musings | 2003-01-17 07:37 | | PermaLink ] More >
Sunday, January 12, 2003 | |
It seems my article I posted at the New Year about the Mayan calendar was missing the first bit of the story and should have been called Steep Uphill Climb to 2012:
Messages from the Mayan Milieu and that actually the title 'The World will Not End' was a subtitle. I looked at the original article sent to me from two reliable sources via email, and they both seem to be honouring of the author as well as give accurate information on how to contact him. The request we got informed us that we were:"using a misleading portion of my copyright article on 2012 .... and that you have it wrongly attributed.
You have titled the portion you used "The Mayan Calendar: The World Will note End." However, that is just a subheading of the original and complete article.
But please do not maintain this misleading fragment of the 2012 article, with the wrong attribution, on your website.
It gives an incomplete and inaccurate picture of who Mr. Barrios is, and what he said to me during my interviews with him in Santa Fe. Readers are being confused.
I am the original author and sole copyright holder of this material. I earn my living as a professional journalist, and so this is a matter of importance to me.
As a point of honor, I ask that you correct the article immediately. You are welcome to describe the article, to quote briefly from it within the general guidelines of "fair use," and to provide a direct link to the article:" So, there you have it! I hope the article is now properly linked now, above. I guess it is time for me to engage with my other fellow Bloggers about the issues of copywrite... (to follow!) After looking both the original 'copywrited' article over as well as the one that was sent out, It is my opinion that the dissemination of this information in this form would have been a benefit to the goal hopefully behind bringing this information to the wider public. [ Futurism/ Evolution | 2003-01-12 09:11 | | PermaLink ] More >
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