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Tuesday, April 15, 2003 | |
On one of my lists, someone mentions a book called 'The Guru Papers' by Lary Kramer... and I did a little research on it, as I was very taken by the ideas supposedly presented in the book: "...apparently he writes about the dangers of the 'all is "One" idea' as being a good excuse for a kind of communistic fascism. where one's individuality is taboo, or one's made to confrom or feel guilty and so on.
.. of course for many ideologies the "One" is "God" to whom one must conform, and we, one of the "Many" are somehow "less-than" this idealized "One" ....doesn't this idea--whther the "One" is "God" or some Buddhist-like principle disEMPOWER one's uniqueness?" I couldn't agree more! Funny thing, that in my own 'Mastery' group, I was taught how to go deeper and deeper into my OWN 'truth'... and from there, all I found was molten lava, revolt, pure lust, love, and the crazy Mystery of 'life'... and that all the constructs, were in effect lies... and all the stories... were stories to bring us closer to the fact.... that no one knows, and I don't know. The paradox, is that I am a 'Knower' and I do indeed Know that I Know... something... something deep, and therein is the twist....
So I decided to do some research about these 'Guru Papers' and I found they were written by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad. Here's a review:"This book delivers what it promises in the preface and introduction, describing the many settings and situations in which overt and covert authoritarianism can intrude into social, political, and religious beliefs and interfere with normal personality development. Part I examines destructive relationships between one person and others, the guru-disciple dynamic broadly applied not only to political and religious leaders but also to parents, close friends, and lovers. Part II explores subtle, indirect forces in values and beliefs both personal and global concealed in what people assume and take for granted, most of the time unknowingly." This is so apparent to me in the recent political atomosphere, and how the typical the 'new age' answer to it, is not working! Because they are both coming from the idea of 'think this', 'pray this' or 'believe this'. Things cannot be seen so fixed. In my searching, I also came across other reads which look very interesting on this subject:
*'400 Years Of Imaginary Friends: A Journey Into The World Of Adepts, Masters, Ascended Masters, And Their Messengers' -- !! Need I say more!
*Psychic Dictatorship in America about the fascist roots of the I AM organizations....
*this site has a good run down on the whole ascended master's history, from a very different perspective than most Californian new-agers would want to swallow!
I think there IS spirituality amongst us... but it is so important to weed away the mental constructs, the whirling whirlds that we 'belong' to, buy into, and participate in. Of course they made it all up--- we make everything up!! And I do think there are spirits, energies in land and in the Mysteries, that we can experience, even imagine as personas. But this is just our interpretations of something that is probably beyond anything that we would call human. But what I agree with, as stated in this site which is aimed to help those who have been abused -- "whether within a cult, political regime, or family".... when we begin to detox the ideas of patriarchy, and the ideas of blind conformity --- I sense this thread, these matrixes of thought, that pervade throughout thought systems of individuals, institutions, belief structures, and governing bodies... that these threads themselves are the illusions that keep us separate from a whole, cooperative experience of life. Within each place where 'two or more' are gathered, I agree that we can link in and find the shared 'One'... but never ever ever ... ever again in my box... at the expense of individuality and freedom to discover!!
(This same this site lists books like 1984 and other novels which "feature champions of free will who must battle outrageous abuse of authority, whether within society at large, a cult, or a family.") [ Mystery Schools | 2003-04-15 09:38 | | PermaLink ] More >
Monday, April 14, 2003 | |
Today: a poem and a sobering look at the state of freedom of speech in the US:
Student poets victimised for anti-war stance
NEW MEXICO, USA - On March 17, the day of US President George Bush's televised announcement of the imminent US military attack on Iraq, Green Left Weekly writer Bill Nevins was suspended from his teaching job at Rio Rancho New Mexico public high school. The student Poetry Slam Team/Write Club, which Nevins organises and sponsors, was also barred from performing their outspoken words in public.
This took place after an anti-war poem written by a Rio Rancho New Mexico poetry team member read out a poem over the in-school closed circuit TV system. Following the reading, the student's parent (also a teacher at the school) was ordered by an assistant principal to go home and search the student's room for a print copy of the poem. The parent declined to do so. All members of the poetry team were individually interrogated by the school administration. FromGreen Left Weekly) home page and {link:http://www.poetrypreviews.com. See 'more' for full article and the complete poem:" I'm here to say that Generation X
Is pissed and we are taking over,
Ripping down the American illusion of perfection
We are the future generation
I have my qualifications
I know it looks like Angel Soft paper,
But don't worry
It's a diploma
Do I look qualified?
You can take our toilet paper,
But you can't take our Revolution." [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-04-14 17:22 | | PermaLink ] More >
Friday, April 11, 2003 | |
"...But a new study released by the Institute for Policy Studies, based upon secret diplomatic cables just declassified by the National Archives, and internal communications of the Bechtel Corporation, suggests just the opposite--that oil is the underlying cause of this war.
The study, which discloses the intimate links between the Bechtel Corporation and Bechtel executives and U.S. policy towards Iraq, also shows that some key players in the push for America's war against Iraq, including Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney, and other former Reagan administration officials Roger Robinson, Judge William B. Clark and Robert McFarlane, have been intimately involved in issues relating to Iraqi oil as far back as the 1980s.
Titled "Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured US Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein," this report traces an intense effort by Reagan officials in the mid-OE80s to win Hussein's approval for a $2-billion oil pipeline to be built by Bechtel, running from the Euphrates oilfields in southern Iraq westward to Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba. ..."
from Secret Bechtel Documents Reveal:Yes, It Is About Oil
April 9, 2003/ CounterPunch Special Report
By DAVID LINDORFF [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-04-11 19:59 | | PermaLink ] More >
Seems Anita Roddick has a weblog on her site devoted to Action, specifically nude protests. This is a recent artistic protest near Covent Garden:"The nudity was not simply for shock value. Throughout history, women have used nudity as a poignant symbol of their outrage. The implication of vulnerability is the right symbolism for a world vulnerable to unchecked aggression by the stronger against the weaker."
[ Politics/ Activism | 2003-04-11 10:42 | | PermaLink ] More >
Thursday, April 10, 2003 | |
Moore makes a great case about how 'backlash' of the Bush hawks after his 'head' has helped him be heard even MOORE.... and he uses this story as encouragement for US to not be QUIET not now, especially not now, and not ever...
April 7, 2003"Well, take a look at my Oscar "backlash":
-- On the day after I criticized Bush and the war at the Academy Awards, attendance at "Bowling for Columbine" in theaters around the country went up 110% (source: Daily Variety/BoxOfficeMojo.com). The following weekend, the box office gross was up a whopping 73% (Variety). It is now the longest-running consecutive commercial release in America, 26 weeks in a row and still thriving. The number of theaters showing the film since the Oscars has INCREASED, and it has now bested the previous box office record for a documentary by nearly 300%.
-- Yesterday (April 6), "Stupid White Men" shot back to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. This is my book's 50th week on the list, 8 of them at number one, and this marks its fourth return to the top position, something that virtually never happens.
-- In the week after the Oscars, my website was getting 10-20 million hits A DAY (one day we even got more hits than the White House!). The mail has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive (and the hate mail has been hilarious!).
-- In the two days following the Oscars, more people pre-ordered the video for "Bowling for Columbine" on Amazon.com than the video for the Oscar winner for Best Picture, "Chicago."
-- In the past week, I have obtained funding for my next documentary, and I have been offered a slot back on television to do an updated version of "TV Nation"/ "The Awful Truth."
I tell you all of this because I want to counteract a message that is told to us all the time -- that, if you take a chance to speak out politically, you will live to regret it. It will hurt you in some way, usually financially. You could lose your job. Others may not hire you. You will lose friends. And on and on and on."
[ Politics/ Activism | 2003-04-10 21:39 | | PermaLink ] More >
Dave Hartley from NCN sent this through today:The U.N. asks President Bush:
"What proof do you have that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?"
Bush replies: "We kept the receipts."
[ Politics/ Activism | 2003-04-10 17:17 | | PermaLink ] More >
Wednesday, April 9, 2003 | |
I have read the following before, and don't find some of it that synchronistic... except for the correlations between JFK and Lilcoln:
When a president gets elected in a year with a "0"
Look what happens when a President gets elected in a year with a "0" at the end. Also notice it goes in increments of 20 years.
1840: William Henry Harrison (died in office)
1860: Abraham Lincoln (assassinated)
1880: James A. Garfield (assassinated)
1900: William McKinley (assassinated)
1920: Warren G. Harding (died in office)
1940: Franklin D. Roosevelt (died in office)
1960: John F. Kennedy (assassinated)
1980: Ronald Reagan (survived assassination attempt)
2000: George W. Bush ????????????
And to think that we had two guys fighting it out in the courts to be the one elected in 2000.
And, have a history teacher explain this----- if they can:
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress! s in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who (supposedly!) assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford'.
Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford'.
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
And here's the kicker:
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
[ History | 2003-04-09 22:40 | | PermaLink ]
Some comments in my Glastonbury email list in the UK:"yep that's it.
it's over bar the shouting.
live pictures now showing US soldiers have completely taken Baghdad - Iraqis are coming out and swamping them and saying things like 'America is great'
only about 30,000 iraqis killed and only about 1300 civilians.
ok so there's no Saddam and there never was any WMD but they've done it.
They control the oil and the middle east and they've shown that they are the best and most civilised nation on Earth.
God Bless America and Tony Blair is absolutely guaranteed to be elected again."
- -
"just been watching one of those moments in history similar to the Berlin wall as they pulled that statue down.
war is over. can we bring the troops home now please?
I accept now that the peace marches did absolutely nothing - zilch - and they won't ever do again. those days are gone.
but I am glad for the Iraqi people, I am glad that this war is as good as done.
We have seen the destruction of the UN and international law. We have seen that democracy is fluid and easy to manipulate. We have seen the New World Order in action with all it's troops, lies and propaganda and we can see what is in store and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
so we might as well accept it and at least have a peaceful life of our own.
The US will take over the world. that is certain and at the UK will be with them every step of the way.
poor old France."
- -
"As someone pointed out in the Guardian, just because someone
amputates a leg neatly, it doesn't mean it was necessarily the best thing for the patient.
Anyone betting on law and order in Iraq over the next days and weeks?"
[ Opinions | 2003-04-09 22:23 | | PermaLink ] More >
"A world with many fruits yet bared and many more in prime
To pull apart the pulpy flesh and sip from what's inside
In ecstasy the warmth within is felt by sallow hands
Which mold an all to willing flesh entranced by feral eyes
Journey's end in lands once verboten,
By Crimson Might the precept was broken
From the skies yet more descend and swoop upon the tithe
For as Lords and Ladies this must surely be their prize
A glint of Mistress in their blades before they find their mark
And in the wake of frenzy's end the sated now depart
Silhouettes on ancient walls await the coming of nightfall
where shadows pale as one
As one blade with many wills with ceremonies end the nature reveals
The need for the piercing blows - an opiate to the night
By the Scarlet Lust Within the new found world will fall
In a land far, far from the source, far from the light
Order decayed, decay wore away the immortal pride
Greener pastures overcome by foul decay
The strongest first to fall with the weakest easily swayed
With a scarlet gauntlet I rule by might that shall never be tethered
In the Black & Crimson Glory I exist forever
from EPOCH OF UNLIGHT LYRICS [ Poems & Musings | 2003-04-09 08:57 | | PermaLink ] More >
Tuesday, April 8, 2003 | |
Beloved Flemming posted the following stats today. Forgive me, NCN members, but I am compelled to include these on my own blog, for public record. At the end of the list Ming writes "Get the picture? But does this make a difference for the general public? So many of us are so disconnected from reality and from our logical faculties that even clear facts make little difference." Again, it has to do with the framing vs the facts issue... how the mind does not have a clear thought and therefore will allow the abstract Big Brother to do the thinking for it... Iraq War Index
77: Percentage of Americans who support military action against any country believed to be linked to 9/11 terrorist attacks, even if innocent civilians are killed in those countries.
69: In a 2002 poll, percentage of Americans who said they believe Iraq has nuclear weapons.
O: Number of nuclear warheads in Iraq.
53.9: Estimated number of U.S. troops over the age of 20 deemed to be overweight by federal obesity standards.
$850 billion: Estimated military spending in the world in 2002.
50: Percentage spent by U.S.
0.0015: Percentage spent by Iraq.
50 per cent: Spending increase on U.S. national defense projected between 2000 and 2007.
320 metric tonnes: Amount of depleted uranium left in region after 1991 Gulf War.
200,000: Estimated number of U.S. soldiers said to be suffering from Gulf War Syndrome.
700: Between 1991 and 94, percentage increase in cancer rates in Iraq.
1 in 6: Chance the U.S. bombed Iraq on any given day last year.
9: Percentage of U.S. munitions dropped during the first Gulf War that were classified as precision-guided.
75: Percentage used during current war.
98: During the first Gulf War, the reported "success rate" (or percentage of accurate strikes) by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
10: Pentagon's estimated "success rate" after the war ended.
$750,000: Unit cost of one Tomahawk cruise missile.
725: By Thursday morning, number of Tomahawks used in Iraq.
6: Of the 10-member commission created to investigate the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the number who have direct links to the airline industry.
$3 million: Budget given to commission.
$9 billion: Estimated monthly cost for U.S. to sustain war in Iraq.
$100 billion: Estimated cost of Iraq "reconstruction."
$7.4 billion: Amount U.S. will spend on missile defense research and development this year.
70: The percentage increase in wealth gap between the top 10 per cent of American families with highest incomes and the 20 per cent of families with lowest incomes between 1998 and 2001.
400: Number of French products and companies suggested for boycott on several Web sites.
18: Number of times France has invoked its veto in United Nations history.
76: Number of times the U.S. has used its veto.
1,200: Number of American historians who signed a petition last year demanding the Bush administration respect the U.S. Constitution with respect to declaration of war.
54 to 67: By 2020, estimated percentage of crude oil that will come from Persian Gulf.
2: As a measure of proven oil reserves, ranking of Iraq among all countries.
6: Percentage of the world's population living in the U.S.
30: Percentage of the world's energy resources used in the U.S.
89: Percentage of Americans who rely on television as their first source of news during war in Iraq.
92: Between Sept. 14, 2002 and Feb. 7, 2003, percentage of news stories airing on NBC, ABC and CBS that originated directly from White House, Pentagon or State Department.
67: Between March 25 and 27, percentage of U.S. television viewers who said they felt "sad watching the war coverage."
83: Percentage of U.S. television viewers who say they now want a return to entertainment programming.
236,202: The number of times Osama bin Laden was mentioned in international media reports between Sept. 11, 2001 and Sept. 11, 2002.
57, 667: The number of times Osama bin Laden was mentioned between Sept. 11, 2002 and today.
66,648: The number of times Saddam Hussein was mentioned between Sept. 11, 2001 and Sept. 11, 2002.
225,147: The number of times Saddam Hussein was mentioned between Sept. 11, 2002 and today.
Oct. 2, 2002: Date the American Gulf War Veterans Association called for the resignation of U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after he denied the U.S. sent biological weapons to Iraq during the 1980s.
38: In a 2002 poll, percentage of Americans who said Canada should be annexed.
13: Percentage of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 who could find Iraq on a map prior to the war.
16,000: Number of inactive military ranges in the U.S. that have unexploded munitions that pose serious environmental hazards.
1.5 million: Number of Internet "hits" the Iraq Body Count Web site has had since the war began.
52: Percentage of these visitors who are from the United States.
50: Percentage of weapons entering the global market that come from American firms.
10: Percentage of U.S. military spending that would provide global population with basic necessities.
1: Number of countries that have used nuclear weapons against another country. From Here/ Copyright 1996-2003. Toronto Star Newspapers Limited [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-04-08 00:01 | | PermaLink ] More >
Monday, April 7, 2003 | |
I belong to Amnesty International's 'Take Action List' that organizes coalitions to pro-action world wide. Here are some recent issues that I have been emailed about:
Combat HIV-AIDS Related Human Rights Abuses
Write to President Bush and 'Urge the US Government to Refrain from the Use of Indiscriminate Weapons in Iraq'.
End Human Rights Abuses and Terror Connected to the Diamond Trade
Action~! [ Human Rights | 2003-04-07 22:30 | | PermaLink ]
By the Way, Florida appeals court says news media lies and distortions are not illegal - "March 13, 2003—If you've ever suspected that when you tune into TV news programs you're not getting all the facts, then give yourself a pat on the back for being right, because a Florida Court of Appeals has recently ruled that lying and distortion of the truth by the media isn't in fact illegal..."
This is a UK site where the orthodox views of the mainstream media are being questioned -- "Media Workers Against War":"The best global source on the web for anti-war news, views and updates on the international peace movement - updated daily." Published on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 by Reuters Group: Iraq TV Raid May Break Geneva Convention"BRUSSELS - The head of the world's biggest journalists' organization said a U.S. bomb and missile attack on Iraqi television on Wednesday was an attempt at censorship and may have breached the Geneva Conventions." Here and there:"U.S. troops in Iraq detained two Israeli journalists and Portuguese colleague on suspicion of espionage and beat one of them, relatives said Friday. They were released after 48 hours.
The journalists, Dan Scemama, of Channel One Television and Boaz Bismuth of the Yedioth Aharonoth entered Iraq without proper accreditation. Scemama said earlier in the week that he had been denied accreditation because he represented Israeli television." Also see The National Union of Journalist's:"The killing of veteran ITN reporter Terry Lloyd is "a terrible tragedy that must be investigated", the NUJ said today" [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-04-07 18:00 | | PermaLink ] More >
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