OK, I figured it out. The 'October Surprise' will be the GOP creating the ultimate spin! Claiming Obama is linked to voter fraud rather than the extraordinary surplus of hard-core evidence that the GOP stole Ohio in 2004. See Wasserman links 2 days ago! So Acorn is SUPPOSE to turn in what they think is fraud and indicate that they DO think it's fraud. The CNN report about the Jimmy John's false form is part of a set-up and it makes me think CNN is in on this newest production of 'wag the dog!' So don't believe CNN is really touting Obama. It's a set up!
10/2/08: Northwest Indiana Times files a report headlined "County rejects large number of invalid voter registrations". The article reports on a news conference held by the Lake County, IN Republican Party chairman, John Curley, who claims "fraudulent applications are the workings of ACORN groups operating from Milwaukee and Chicago who are getting out the vote for Obama." Curley, notes "one registration form was filled out in the name and address of Jimmy John's, a Crown Point fast-food outlet," and other problem registration forms. He says that county election officials were able to "weed out obviously invalid applications," but neither the reporter, nor apparently Curley, bother to note that ACORN had already informed the officials about the questionable "Jimmy John's" registration when they turned it in, along with the other separately flagged registration forms. [ Politics/ Activism | 2008-10-09 23:59 | | PermaLink ] More >