The NewsLog of Julie Solheim-Roe
picture 2003-04-01 11:06, by Julie Solheim-Roe

By Jeannine Aversa
Associated Press
Thursday, March 20, 2003

Full article here.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government ran up a deficit of $193.9 billion in the first five months of the 2003 budget year, nearly three times the deficit for the same period a year earlier.

In February alone, the deficit was $96.3 billion, the largest on record.

The latest figures, released Thursday by the Treasury Department, highlighted the government's deteriorating fiscal situation. Record deficits are forecast this year and next.

The total so far this fiscal year, from October through February, compares with $67.7 billion a year earlier....

On the Net: Treasury Department

I am sure this is part of the reason why even Republican Senators cut Bush's tax cut in half because of his first downpayment for slaughter....

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1 Apr 2003 @ 14:51 by sharie : Deficit? Not in certain bank accounts
Hi Julie, thanks for the post. Yes, we Americans are way in debt, but let's look closely at where are money has gone... into the bank accounts of the Board of Directors and CEO's of Lockheed Martin, which has government contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Housing & Urban Development, and who knows how many other agencies. Then there's Dick Cheney's Haliburton and its various subsidiaries that's been banking billions of public tax dollars from various government agencies, as well as billions in government-guaranteed loans! The list of corporations, CEO's, and Board Members pocketing billions of dollars of public funds goes on and on.

We're not really in debt, our money's just being funnelled into the bank accounts of the American mafia.  

1 Apr 2003 @ 15:16 by jewel : makes sense to me
Thanks Sherie for continuing to shine your light on these issues.

My line in the sand is getting more pronounced. Who wants to stay asleep and ignore the facts, and listen to the propoganda because it serves their inner patriarch, and also their wishes of how it SHOULD be. ... Those who stay in the matrix of conveniences whilst a family of 11 was killed today from our VIOLENCE.  

1 Apr 2003 @ 16:48 by vibrani : You forgot to mention
That America is in debt also due to giving money to other countries (who haven't paid us back and probably never will).  

3 Apr 2003 @ 11:38 by sharie : Foreign Aid Packages
The taxpayers' money wasn't *really* given to other countries. It was mostly given to the CEO's and Board of Directors of the weapons companies, and they then gave some weapons to the countries. Let's say, the country was awarded 40 million in *foreign aid*. The $40 million went to the white collar mafia, and about $100,000 in weapons went to the country's dictator, and then the dictator scourged his peasants with the taxes while holding guns to their heads. This would be a more accurate description of how MOST of our financial aid to countries got spent. The countries we bombed in the past 50 years in asia, South and Central America, and in Africa are listed by William Blum ) Not one of them has become a democracy.  

3 Apr 2003 @ 15:53 by vibrani : Oh
So the $14 billion, or million was it? to Poland (which I think either sum was outrageous) to clean up its pollution was just to a dictator? No, a lot money went for things that actually helped people, not just corporate leaders,and a lot of it went to weaponry.  

3 Apr 2003 @ 17:01 by jewel : preach to the choir you sing with
maybe in these cases, vibrani, you should just talk to those on the right with you. it is obvious we are researching and living in different realities, and neither of us wants to change matrix's. If you read all that I write, you shoudl summate that... and so... why not read blogs that agree with your own 'world'.

(I know people who used to live in Poland -- it's still ran by the mob. And I doubt that we really care about the environment (read=kyoto) and so I bet this was indeed a bribe/ pay-out for something else.)  

3 Apr 2003 @ 17:22 by vibrani : Oh, sorry
Didn't realize your log was exclusive. lol Heaven forbid you should discuss something with someone who doesn't agree with you on everything.  

4 Apr 2003 @ 10:54 by jewel : no discussion
I haven't found any discussion going on here. I have found you blatantly not reading the scores of facts before you, and that I write about. So it seems like you just want to push your own political agenda and not do the research. It seems Sheri has some good sources, as to many others on NCN, where you CAN get even more detailed facts about the Military Machine and the Empire. And the ties between lies and corruption and this 'war'.... but you seem that you want to believe in your own world. The status quo.

Right now I am really mad, and I am especially mad at people who refuse to do the research. Just on the depleted Uranium issues, the issues of war crimes, etc. etc. Those who want to support spin due to some sort of TRIBAL tie. There are MANY Jews in Israel who don't support your views, or this war, or The War that has always been going on.... in the name of 'progress' 'freedom' and 'democracy'.  

4 Apr 2003 @ 13:58 by sharie : Jewel is right, Nora
Whatever you write about others is usually a reflection of yourself. You do this over and over, Nora, to virtually everbody here at ncn. Take a long hard deep look at your own psychological wounds, at how your scars pronounce to all the world what you've lived through, and what you refuse to heal.

A scar is a scar, whether it's on your skin or on your psyche. It's evident to all those who you parade it in front of.

I know you refuse to take advice but maybe, just maybe, you might try understanding that we do care about you and your happiness and your well-being. We do. Could you go onto your own newslog and write about your personal torture - which is already evident - and begin to demonstrate some willingness to become healed from it. You are the one ncn member who blatantly over and over, repeatedly bashes others, insults others, and verbally attacks others... you seem to go out of your way to do it, and this has been going on here for years, and then you stand and act so innocent like you didn't do anything to provoke the comments against you.

I have shared a number of personal sorrows on my log here - although I don't think anybody cares - but I know I have wounds and scars and sadness, and I need to admit to them. Otherwise, we're just trampling over one another in a socio-pathic ego trip toward a delusional superiority complex. I know your tendency now is to insult me telling me I'm full of *shit* and that I have *bad energy*. Don't bother. Look long and hard at what's prompting you to defend against people who genuinely care about you being healed.

Thanks Julie for your comment. It was right on.

By the way Nora, you blocked me from your newslog because you didn't want to hear a different opinion from your own... exactly what you accused Julie of.

Then you came onto my newslog with more of your ranting tyrade. I wish you well Nora. We'd all like to be put out of your misery. Please look at your scars and do commit yourself to be healed from your personal traumas.  

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