Obama talks a lot about a change in perspective, ending the illusion of duality. I loved this. It's not about bigger or smaller govt but better govt. It's about values, ethos, and changing our minds.
A miracle is a change in perception.
I was thinking the other day, 'what if I lost my drive?'... then I was thinking maybe I used it all up in the first half? third? of it! I was so full of energy!
Then I realized, the idea of drive is about the patriarchal mind. I need to prove something so I have drive to prove it. Yes I am still passionate, but feeling less like I want to prove I can do it! I know I can. I have proven it/ that... whatever IT is!
So now what? It's about inside-out. Centering, aligning, breathing, becoming, expressing... flowing into a true embodiment of what IS, not 'it'. Subjective becomes shared, rather than objective games of proving 'it'.... [ Poems & Musings | 2008-10-28 18:40 | | PermaLink ] More >