I got this quote and article about scapegoating sent to me "by way of Letecia Layson" from the InspirationTransformation newsletter in December. I keep stumbling upon it in 2004 ~ so maybe that 'means' something. Scapegoating is a base level of a westernized mythos I've explored personally and transpersonally in my lifetime. And the idea of always changing, moving and seeing all the angles of our Dances... is very UP for me in this new changing year.
Quote for the week:
"The good news is that there is something else.
The bad news is we haven't evolved enough to fully realize it.
Fortunately, that evolution is possible and is happening right now.
May we open our minds to greater experience, wisdom and connection.
May we look inward, seeking the spirit of which we are made.
May we all realize the beauty, the goodness, and the truth which is
our very nature.
Go in peace, make peace, be at peace."
Ken Wilber And then it's followed by this treatise about the Great Scapegoat:
Scapegoating--An Insidious Family Pattern of Blame and Shame on One Family Member
Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Scapegoating is a serious family dysfunctional problem with one member of the family or a social group being blamed for small things,picked on and constantly put down. In scapegoating, one of the authority figures has made a decision that somebody in the family has to be the bad guy. The mother or father makes one child bad and then looks for things (sometimes real, but most often imagined) that are
There are different reasons one child is singled out to be
scapegoated. Perhaps the child is vulnerable. Or the child is hyperactive, noncompliant or acts out. Sometimes the scapegoated child is viewed as weak who cannot defend himself. At times the parent heaps on the blame because he cannot stand the child who has traits and characteristics that are similar to the his own! Sometimes the child has personality traits that are similar to a disliked relative (She reminds me of my aunt Tillie who I never liked.) Other children in the family can pick up the scapegoating pattern and join in taunting and hurting the scapegoated child. In extremely dysfunctional families, the parent may goad the other children to pick
on the disfavored one.
.... [ Feminism/ Cultural Dialogues | 2004-01-19 18:27 | | PermaLink ] More >