Scarlet Jewels
The NewsLog of Julie Solheim-Roe

Wednesday, July 2, 2003day link 

picture This is my soul brother Jay Levin's latest forward about the MEDIA CHALLENG that is gaining momentum! PLEASE forward this info to all your lists!Fed up with the mainstream media's omissions, distortions and refusal to challenge lies? It's time to send them a message: we're not taking it anymore.

During Independence Day week - June 30-July 6, 2003 - join with thousands of others across the country and act to oppose corporate media and support independent media!

Media Challenge!, a project of peace and social justice groups, is joining with a number of media reform groups around the country who have initiated Media Liberty Week. We seek to turn around a corporate media dominated by pseudo-patriotic cheerleading and by megaphoning for the Pentagon and for Bush administration deceit instead of by journalism. The same TV and radio news buried pre-vote coverage of the FCC's recent decision giving giant infotainment conglomerates GE, Viacom, Clear Channel, Disney and News Corp. a green light to expand their already vast empires - and is mostly blacking out the fight to overturn the FCC vote in Congress. Schools and health-care systems are in deep trouble, increasing numbers of homeless and mentally ill haunt the streets, toxic waste and environmental plunder threaten human and species life, Attorney General Ashcroft is shredding the Constitution, and economic inequality has grown to proportions unseen since the age of the robber barons. Yet most of the media are more interested in Laci Peterson.


Now it's time to show our muscle. Here's what you can do:
Click on MORE ... to read insturctions...
[ | 2003-07-02 15:21 | 3 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

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