This was sent to me from John Kaminski. I have a 'funny feeling' now that 'Stupid White Men' is an international best seller and the like... that something like this COULD happen. Keep posted about my Glastonbury friend Palden Jenkin's new book 'Healing The Hurts of Nations' and some of the visions of where the world could be headed from all this 'going through it together' that is accumulating. Here's the info. from Kaminski. Maybe it's Time:Everyone knows now, for sure, that something is very, very wrong.
Fancying themselves patriots so their neighbors won't notice they don't really care about anything real, these deceiving diehards who keep shouting their memorized support for their killer country are either small, selfish minds truly unable to sift the existing evidence and actually think for themselves, or willing liars ˜ like so many appeals court judges ˜ who endorse America's plunder of the world because they are making money off the deal themselves.
In other words, those who support the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and who applaud the coverup of the World Trade Center tragedy investigation, the wholesale destruction of U.S. environmental laws, and the systematic looting of the U.S. financial system are either stupid or sinister. They have turned the USA into Scum Nation, as they watch their insane hired guns continue to shoot down hapless civilians in Iraq.
The faint glimmer of hope in the sorry current state of the world, however, is that these homicidal maniacs are not in the majority. The media make us think they are. It is the job of the media to make us doubt ourselves so we'll spend more on things we don't really need. But the media are owned by the very people doing the plundering. Thus the public is deceived, lulled into the sleep of fools, and the atrocities continue at an ever more rapid pace.
But the real people of the world ˜ the vast majority of God-fearing, honest folks of all nationalities living in all corners of the world simply want honest answers, and aren't getting them from those who have been entrusted with organizing and protecting the societies in which they live. [ Politics/ Activism | 2003-06-20 10:09 | | PermaLink ] More >